Learn about the actions folder actions-folder
The actions
folder for this sample app contains a few JavaScript files and one folder called commerce
. The JavaScript shown is an excellent example file that can be reused if it is relevant to your work. This folder can save you time in development efforts when connecting to the Adobe Commerce application using OAuth and REST.
The actual names of folders in this example are arbitrary, but knowing their names can help you interpret the sample code. By using a meaningful naming convention, you can avoid confusion if the application grows more complex.
Who is this video for?
- Developers new to Adobe Commerce with limited experience with Adobe App Builder who are learning about the actions folder in the sample application.
Video content
- Introduction to App Builder and the sample module focusing on the
folder - How to use the “actions” folder
- The purpose of the JavaScript file found in the
folders - A quick overview of the OAuth authentication files
In this video, we will talk about the actions folder. Once your action is declared in the app.config.yaml file, this action usually target a function. In our case, we have an action that is called commerce rest get that targets a function that is under actions/commerce/index.js file.
If we go and check our index.js file, we can see that we have an asynchronous function called Main, and this is the way it should be called to be recognized by App Builder.
This main function start by checking the inputs. It checks that the required headers and parameters are all there. It would create an authentication client to our Commerce instance based on the secrets of our .ENV file, and then it’ll run a get request to retrieve the needed data from our Commerce instance. In our case, we can retrieve orders or products, and this is the operation that we are sending to our action.
If all is successful, we return a status code of 200 and a body with the content that is retrieved from our Commerce. In case of an error, we return another response.
To authenticate to our Commerce instance, we created an oauth.js file, in which we start by creating an authentication and a token.
And once we have our token, we can target our Commerce instance. We declared some functions such as get, post, put, and delete that can be used in order to target our Commerce. For more details on the code base and how to target our Commerce, you can find the code in our sample repository in the documentation.
Code Samples
* Copyright 2023 Adobe
* All Rights Reserved.
* NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains
* the property of Adobe and its suppliers, if any. The intellectual
* and technical concepts contained herein are proprietary to Adobe
* and its suppliers and are protected by all applicable intellectual
* property laws, including trade secret and copyright laws.
* Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material
* is strictly forbidden unless prior written permission is obtained
* from Adobe.
const { Core } = require('@adobe/aio-sdk')
const { errorResponse, checkMissingRequestInputs} = require('../utils')
const { getCommerceOauthClient } = require('../oauth1a')
async function main(params) {
const logger = Core.Logger('main', { level: params.LOG_LEVEL || 'info' })
try {
const requiredParams = ['operation', 'COMMERCE_BASE_URL']
const requiredHeaders = ['Authorization']
const errorMessage = checkMissingRequestInputs(params, requiredParams, requiredHeaders)
if (errorMessage) {
// return and log client errors
return errorResponse(400, errorMessage, logger)
const { operation } = params
const oauth = getCommerceOauthClient(
url: params.COMMERCE_BASE_URL,
consumerKey: params.COMMERCE_CONSUMER_KEY,
consumerSecret: params.COMMERCE_CONSUMER_SECRET,
accessToken: params.COMMERCE_ACCESS_TOKEN,
accessTokenSecret: params.COMMERCE_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET
const content = await oauth.get(operation)
return {
statusCode: 200,
body: content
} catch (error) {
// log any server errors
// return with 500
return errorResponse(500, error, logger)
exports.main = main
* Copyright 2023 Adobe
* All Rights Reserved.
* NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains
* the property of Adobe and its suppliers, if any. The intellectual
* and technical concepts contained herein are proprietary to Adobe
* and its suppliers and are protected by all applicable intellectual
* property laws, including trade secret and copyright laws.
* Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material
* is strictly forbidden unless prior written permission is obtained
* from Adobe.
/* This file exposes some common utilities for your actions */
* Returns a log ready string of the action input parameters.
* The `Authorization` header content will be replaced by '<hidden>'.
* @param {object} params action input parameters.
* @returns {string}
function stringParameters (params) {
// hide authorization token without overriding params
let headers = params.__ow_headers || {}
if (headers.authorization) {
headers = { ...headers, authorization: '<hidden>' }
return JSON.stringify({ ...params, __ow_headers: headers })
* Returns the list of missing keys giving an object and its required keys.
* A parameter is missing if its value is undefined or ''.
* A value of 0 or null is not considered as missing.
* @param {object} obj object to check.
* @param {array} required list of required keys.
* Each element can be multi level deep using a '.' separator e.g. 'myRequiredObj.myRequiredKey'
* @returns {array}
* @private
function getMissingKeys (obj, required) {
return required.filter(r => {
const splits = r.split('.')
const last = splits[splits.length - 1]
const traverse = splits.slice(0, -1).reduce((tObj, split) => { tObj = (tObj[split] || {}); return tObj }, obj)
return traverse[last] === undefined || traverse[last] === '' // missing default params are empty string
* Returns the list of missing keys giving an object and its required keys.
* A parameter is missing if its value is undefined or ''.
* A value of 0 or null is not considered as missing.
* @param {object} params action input parameters.
* @param {array} requiredHeaders list of required input headers.
* @param {array} requiredParams list of required input parameters.
* Each element can be multi level deep using a '.' separator e.g. 'myRequiredObj.myRequiredKey'.
* @returns {string} if the return value is not null, then it holds an error message describing the missing inputs.
function checkMissingRequestInputs (params, requiredParams = [], requiredHeaders = []) {
let errorMessage = null
// input headers are always lowercase
requiredHeaders = requiredHeaders.map(h => h.toLowerCase())
// check for missing headers
const missingHeaders = getMissingKeys(params.__ow_headers || {}, requiredHeaders)
if (missingHeaders.length > 0) {
errorMessage = `missing header(s) '${missingHeaders}'`
// check for missing parameters
const missingParams = getMissingKeys(params, requiredParams)
if (missingParams.length > 0) {
if (errorMessage) {
errorMessage += ' and '
} else {
errorMessage = ''
errorMessage += `missing parameter(s) '${missingParams}'`
return errorMessage
* Extracts the bearer token string from the Authorization header in the request parameters.
* @param {object} params action input parameters.
* @returns {string|undefined} the token string or undefined if not set in request headers.
function getBearerToken (params) {
if (params.__ow_headers &&
params.__ow_headers.authorization &&
params.__ow_headers.authorization.startsWith('Bearer ')) {
return params.__ow_headers.authorization.substring('Bearer '.length)
return undefined
* Returns an error response object and attempts to log.info the status code and error message
* @param {number} statusCode the error status code.
* e.g. 400
* @param {string} message the error message.
* e.g. 'missing xyz parameter'
* @param {*} [logger] an optional logger instance object with an `info` method
* e.g. `new require('@adobe/aio-sdk').Core.Logger('name')`
* @returns {object} the error object, ready to be returned from the action main's function.
function errorResponse (statusCode, message, logger) {
if (logger && typeof logger.info === 'function') {
logger.info(`${statusCode}: ${message}`)
return {
error: {
body: {
error: message
module.exports = {
* Copyright 2023 Adobe
* All Rights Reserved.
* NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains
* the property of Adobe and its suppliers, if any. The intellectual
* and technical concepts contained herein are proprietary to Adobe
* and its suppliers and are protected by all applicable intellectual
* property laws, including trade secret and copyright laws.
* Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material
* is strictly forbidden unless prior written permission is obtained
* from Adobe.
const { Core } = require('@adobe/aio-sdk')
const { errorResponse, checkMissingRequestInputs} = require('../utils')
const { getCommerceOauthClient } = require('../oauth1a')
async function main(params) {
const logger = Core.Logger('main', { level: params.LOG_LEVEL || 'info' })
try {
const requiredParams = ['operation', 'COMMERCE_BASE_URL']
const requiredHeaders = ['Authorization']
const errorMessage = checkMissingRequestInputs(params, requiredParams, requiredHeaders)
if (errorMessage) {
// return and log client errors
return errorResponse(400, errorMessage, logger)
const { operation } = params
const oauth = getCommerceOauthClient(
url: params.COMMERCE_BASE_URL,
consumerKey: params.COMMERCE_CONSUMER_KEY,
consumerSecret: params.COMMERCE_CONSUMER_SECRET,
accessToken: params.COMMERCE_ACCESS_TOKEN,
accessTokenSecret: params.COMMERCE_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET
const content = await oauth.get(operation)
return {
statusCode: 200,
body: content
} catch (error) {
// log any server errors
// return with 500
return errorResponse(500, error, logger)
exports.main = main
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