Inventory Management
- Topics:
- Configuration
- System
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- Admin
- Leader
- User
Merchants with a single store to multiple warehouses, stores, pickup locations, drop shippers, and more can use inventory management features to maintain quantities for sales and handle shipments to complete orders. You can track your inventory quantities, provide accurate salable stock amounts to customers for all of your websites, and ship according to recommendations based on distance or priority. You can also configure your preferred product configurations globally (for all stores and products), per source, and per product. These features grow with your business, allowing you to work from a single warehouse or complex shipping network.
Who is this video for?
- Website managers
- eCommerce merchandisers
Video content
Hello, and welcome to our inventory management training where we will basically go through all the inventory management functionality that will allow our merchant to track properly stock, display the accurate sellable quantity, and avoid overselling situations to their shoppers. Let’s go first to check the level of configurability that we are having for inventory management. If you click in the stores and configuration item the configuration page will be displayed. If we scroll down and click on the catalog section, inventory item, all the information related with inventory will be displayed. Like for example, managing stock or back orders. If you want to see all the peculiarities of each one of the configuration settings, go to all their docs. Another thing that I think will be interesting to highlight, is that all that options allows over readable at product level. Now let’s go and check which are the main entities to manage the stock. We have sources that are basically the physical location which we store and fulfill the quantities and the goods. We have stocks that is basically the build tool entity that aggregate the stock at all the possible sources linked with each one of that items. And stocks are always linked with cell channels or websites in all Adobe Commerce world. For example, in that picture, we can see that the US website is linked with the US store stock entity that is getting the obligation of a stock from the New York warehouse and a drop shipper. Let’s go and check that in our admin panel. If we go back, we click on the stores. Now we will see that we are having two entities inside the inventory section. So let’s go first to the sources section where we will be able to manage sources and add new ones. Let’s add a new source. Basically we will need to fill some basic information for each one of the sources. For the purpose of the video, we will just fill the required information. So name, code, and some address data are mandatory.
Once you click on Save & Continue, basically you will see that the new source has been created. Now it’s time to assign the source to the specific stock entity. So if we go to the stock entity, we will see here on that page, displayed all the stocks available and what is the linkage with the same channel or website. So here, for example, we are seeing that the Spain stock entity is linked with the website of Spain. Let’s go and add the new source to that specific stock entity. So if we go to assign sources inside the stock entity, we will see now that “BILBAO” is available for that. If we click on Done, basically we will see that now BILBAO is one of the available sources for that specific stock entity. Now let’s go and click on the Save & Continue to ensure that BILBAO is one of the sources available for it. And now it’s time to start to assign sources to a specific pro level and define the units available for it. So if we go to catalog, products, that will open the product grid that we have available. Let’s pick one of the items. There are two important columns on that product grid inventory related. There is the quantity per source and the sellable quantity. Here we are seeing that just duffle bag is only having a stock label for one of the sources of the payment store. Specifically for Barcelona and the sellable quantity for that Spain stock is just 10 because only have one source assignment. Let’s click on Edit and now we will assign a new source to that specific product.
If we scroll down, here we are seeing the two sources assigned. Let’s go and assign a new source. So here we will just BILBAO and we will click on the Done button. Once we click on the Done button, we are seeing that BILBAO is being display as one of the possible sources for that specific item. And here we have the possibility of the stock for that specific entity.
Now, if we click on the Save button and we go back to the product grid page we will see how automatically Adobe Commerce is doing the aggregation of the available sources to display the core sellable quantity for our shoppers. In our case, we have 30, because Barcelona was 10 of our stock and BILBAO we just assigned the 20. As usual, all that functionality is also available of our APIs. And if you want to know more about the APIs of any other user guide that will be useful for explain more about all embedded management capabilities, don’t hesitate to go to all documentation page. We hope that you found that video useful. Thank you for your time. -
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