Who is this video for?

  • Website managers
  • eCommerce merchandisers
  • New Adobe Commerce developers who want to learn how to create configurable products in Adobe Commerce using the REST API

Video content

Get the color attributes using cURL

In this example, the entire attribute set with all the individual attributes is returned for attribute set 10. It can be long, hundreds of lines are not uncommon. When reviewing the response, the attribute ID for color will likely be in the middle. Expedite the search for these values by using grep or other methods to search the results. My response was near line 665 and is included in the following snippet from the JSON response.

        "attribute_id": 93,
        "attribute_code": "color",
        "frontend_input": "select",
        "entity_type_id": "4",
        "is_required": false,
        "options": [
                "label": " ",
                "value": ""
                "label": "Red",
                "value": "13"
                "label": "Blue",
                "value": "14"
                "label": "Green",
                "value": "15"

To retrieve the attribute IDs to set up your configurable product, update the attribute-sets/10/attributes portion of the following cURL request to replace 10 with the attribute set ID in your environment. This request uses the GET method.

curl --location '{{your.url.here}}rest/V1/products/attribute-sets/10/attributes' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{Your Bearer Token}}'

Create the first simple product using cURL

Adjust environment IDs and product details

Create the first simple product by using the API to send the following POST request using cURL.

Before submitting the request, update the example with values for your environment.

  • Change "attribute-set": 10 to replace 10 with the attribute set ID from your environment.
  • Change "value": "13" to replace 13 with the value from your environment.
curl --location '{{your.url.here}}/rest/default/V1/products' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{Your Bearer Token}}' \
--header 'Cookie: PHPSESSID=aff63a1634f6f1a773e7a4894bf1a55c' \
--data '{
  "product": {
    "sku": "Kids-Hawaiian-Ukulele-red",
    "name": "Kids Hawaiian Ukulele Red",
    "attribute_set_id": 10,
    "price": 12.50,
    "status": 1,
    "visibility": 1,
    "type_id": "simple",
    "weight": "0.5",
    "extension_attributes": {
        "stock_item": {
            "qty": "10",
            "is_in_stock": true
    "custom_attributes": [
            "attribute_code": "color",
            "value": "13"

Create the second simple product using cURL

Create the second simple product by using the API to send the following POST request using cURL.

Before submitting the request, update the example with values for your environment.

  • Change "attribute_set_id": 10, and replace 10 with the attribute set id from in your environment.
  • Change "value": "14" and replace 14 with the value from your environment.
curl --location '{{your.url.here}}/rest/default/V1/products' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{Your Bearer Token}}' \
--header 'Cookie: PHPSESSID=aff63a1634f6f1a773e7a4894bf1a55c' \
--data '{
  "product": {
    "sku": "Kids-Hawaiian-Ukulele-Blue",
    "name": "Kids Hawaiian Ukulele Blue",
    "attribute_set_id": 10,
    "price": 15,
    "status": 1,
    "visibility": 1,
    "type_id": "simple",
    "weight": "0.5",
    "extension_attributes": {
        "stock_item": {
            "qty": "20",
            "is_in_stock": true
    "custom_attributes": [
            "attribute_code": "color",
            "value": "14"

Create the third simple product using cURL

Create the third simple product by sending the following POST request using cURL.

Before submitting the request, update the example with values for your environment.

  • Change "attribute_set_id": 10, to replace 10 with the attribute set ID from your environment.
  • Change "value": "15" and replace 15 with the value from your environment.
curl --location '{{your.url.here}}/rest/default/V1/products' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{Your Bearer Token}}' \
--header 'Cookie: PHPSESSID=aff63a1634f6f1a773e7a4894bf1a55c' \
--data '{
  "product": {
    "sku": "Kids-Hawaiian-Ukulele-Green",
    "name": "Kids Hawaiian Ukulele Green",
    "attribute_set_id": 10,
    "price": 25,
    "status": 1,
    "visibility": 1,
    "type_id": "simple",
    "weight": "0.5",
    "extension_attributes": {
        "stock_item": {
            "qty": "30",
            "is_in_stock": true
    "custom_attributes": [
            "attribute_code": "color",
            "value": "15"

Create an empty configurable product using cURL

Create an empty configurable product by sending the following POST request using cURL.

Before submitting the request, update the example with values for your environment.

  • Change "attribute_set_id": 10, and replace 10 with the attribute set id from your environment.
  • Change "value": "93" and replace 93 with the value from your environment.
curl --location '{{your.url.here}}/rest/default/V1/products' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{Your Bearer Token}}' \
--header 'Cookie: PHPSESSID=aff63a1634f6f1a773e7a4894bf1a55c' \
--data '{
  "product": {
    "sku": "Kids-Hawaiian-Ukulele",
    "name": "Kids Hawaiian Ukulele",
    "attribute_set_id": 10,
    "status": 1,
    "visibility": 4,
    "type_id": "configurable",
    "weight": "0.5",
    "custom_attributes": [
            "attribute_code": "color",
            "value": "93"

Set the options available for the configurable product

Set the options available for the configurable product by sending the following POST request using cURL.

Before submitting the request, change "attribute_id": 93, to replace 93 with the attribute id from your environment.

curl --location '{{your.url.here}}/rest/default/V1/configurable-products/Kids-Hawaiian-Ukulele/options' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{Your Bearer Token}}' \
--header 'Cookie: PHPSESSID=aff63a1634f6f1a773e7a4894bf1a55c' \
--data '{
  "option": {
    "attribute_id": "93",
    "label": "Color",
    "position": 0,
    "is_use_default": true,
    "values": [
        "value_index": 9

If you forget to set the options for the configurable product (parent), you get an error when you try to associate a child product to the configurable product. The error message is similar to the following example:

{"message":"The parent product doesn't have configurable product options.","trace":"#0 [internal function]: Magento\\ConfigurableProduct\\Model\\LinkManagement->addChild('Kids-Hawaiian-U...'}

Now, you have created three simple products:

  • "Kids Hawaiian Ukulele Red",
  • "Kids-Hawaiian-Ukulele-Blue"
  • "Kids-Hawaiian-Ukulele-Green"

Add these simple products as children of the configurable product by sending the following POST request. Submit a separate request for each product.

For each request, update the childSKU value with the value for the child product you are adding. The following example assigns the simple product kids-Hawaiian-Ukulele-red to the configurable product with the SKU Kids-Hawaiian-Ukulele-red.

curl --location '{{your.url.here}}rest/default/V1/configurable-products/Kids-Hawaiian-Ukulele/child' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{Your Bearer Token}}' \
--header 'Cookie: PHPSESSID=aff63a1634f6f1a773e7a4894bf1a55c' \
--data '{
  "childSku": "Kids-Hawaiian-Ukulele-red"

Get a configurable product using cURL

Now that you have created a configurable product with three assigned child SKUs. You can see the linked IDs for the assigned products by sending the following GET request using cURL. This request returns detailed information about the configurable product.

        "configurable_product_links": [

The following uses the GET method

curl --location '{{your.url.here}}/rest/default/V1/products/Kids-Hawaiian-Ukulele' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{Your Bearer Token}}'

Get the children product associated to a configurable product

Return only the children associated with the configurable product by sending the following GET request. The response will include all the attributes for the child product including SKU and price.

The following uses the GET method

curl --location '{{your.url.here}}/rest/default/V1/configurable-products/kids-hawaiian-ukulele/children' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{Your Bearer Token}}'

Delete or remove a child product from the parent configurable

You can remove a child product from a configurable product without deleting the product from the catalog by sending the following DELETE request using cURL.

curl --location --request DELETE '{{your.url.here}}/rest/default/V1/configurable-products/Kids-Hawaiian-Ukulele/children/Kids-Hawaiian-Ukulele-Blue' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{Your Bearer Token}}'
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Next pageBundle product
