Manage Shared Catalogs

B2B for Adobe Commerce gives you the ability to maintain gated shared catalogs with custom pricing for different companies. In addition to the standard primary product catalog, it provides customer access to two types of shared catalogs with different pricing structures.

If the Shared Catalog feature is enabled in the configuration, the original primary catalog remains visible from the Admin, but only the Default (General) public shared catalog is visible from the storefront. In addition, custom catalogs can be created that are visible only to members of specific company accounts.

Adobe Commerce feature {width="20"} Exclusive feature available only with B2B for Adobe Commerce

Who is this video for?

  • Website managers
  • eCommerce merchandisers

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Today, I’m going to be walking through how shared catalogs support B2B merchants to show the right products at the right prices for the right customers. And you’ll hear me say that a lot throughout this demo because one of the most important considerations in B2B commerce is that unlike B2C, merchants often offer buyers their own specific sets of products at their own specific prices. In B2C, there’s one catalog. Everyone gets to see the same products at the same prices and that’s hardly the case for B2B merchants whose products and prices differ by the size of the account, the negotiated rates, the longevity and strength of their relationship with this buyer, geography, legality, et cetera. So, B2B merchants need the tools to control the prices and products that their buyers see on their site. That’s where shared catalogs come in. These are customized catalogs and priceless for their buyers. Again, the right products at the right prices for the right customers. Let me show you how this is enabled. I will go to Store and Configuration here. Under General, B2B Features and I’m going to make sure that I have enabled Company and then I can enable my Shared Catalogs. So while I’m navigating back to Shared Catalogs, let’s talk about why these exist in the first place. Well, to solve for that problem. Right products, right prices, right customer. I could do this manually. I could for every individual at every company, select every product that I want them to see. And every price that they should be shown at. This may work for one, maybe two people, but it falls apart at scale. So, a shared catalogs is a piece of automation and user-experience for helping to solve this problem at scale. Let me show you what one of these looks like. I’m going to go into My All Products, Shared Catalog and I’m going to select Set Pricing and Structure. Going to go to Configure here. And what I’m greeted with is this interface that is built to help a merchant select the right products, the right sets of products that they want these users to see. In this case, this is my friends and family catalog. These are the folks that I trust and they get the best deals. They can see the entire catalog or most of it. You can see a couple of products are disabled here, actually. And I’m able to, if I want, to pair this down to individual categories, to have bulk actions here and to be able to filter down to the right products. So where some competitors will have merchants entering lists of thousands of skews or doing the work to hack their categories, to control visibility, what Adobe commerce offers is this interface to just, you find the products that matter, select them, and we will control which categories they belong to in the background. And then, once I’ve chosen all of the right products here, I can apply the filters, I’ve got different views and I can change my columns here, go to this next step. So, I pick the products. No, I pick the prices. And I can see the same sort of interface here that scales with the category tree. I’ve got the same sets of actions and I can set my prices by fixed or dynamic pricing, allowing me to apply, you know, discounts. And I can apply these for multiple products at once. So this is giving me the tools to really be able to select which prices matter and not have to go product by product but be able to do this at scale, do this most efficiently. And so once I do all of this, I take those two steps. I hit Generate Catalog and then I have this Shared Satalog. This is already set up. So, I won’t do that again for the sake of time but now I’ve got the right products, the right prices and I can now select the right users. So again, I’m going to go to this same catalog and I’m going to hit Assigned Companies. I can see here that only one company is assigned but let’s say that we just want a new deal, a new customer who gets the best, the friends and family prices. All we have to do instead of picking out that same list of products, that same list of prices again for that customer is just go ahead and assign a new one so I can pick Assigned Catalog. Well, actually what I have to do is select a new user and then I hit Assigned Catalog. I can do this for multiple companies at once and all of the users within that company. So instead of having to do all of this all over again, I just do it once. And then if I need to make adjustments to my catalogs for the prices or for the products, I can do this in one place that affects all of those companies, all of those users that have been assigned it. So if I’m trying to create tiers such as gold, silver, et cetera. I’m trying to change these prices and products over time. I am able to do this at scale using this powerful interface not only for the users who are registered but also how my site presents to the public. I can also very easily duplicate these catalogs. Duplicate is right here. This allows me. So, instead of having to redo all of that work, but I’m actually trying to remove one category for a new type of catalog. I can just duplicate it and then make the changes. This is all built for scale. So, let me show you how this works a little bit. So when I go to my storefront as you know, your average Joe here, I can’t see anything. The LUMA Store has decided that we don’t want to show any of our products, any of our competitive information to the average passerby, only to the customers that we know and we have existing relationships with. So, let me show you an example of what that would look like for a customer that they do have existing relationship with. So, I’m Art Vandalay here. I’m a customer. LUMA here. And as soon as I log in, I can see these products. I can see the exact things that I am allowed to see. I can see them at specific prices and then I can go ahead and I can check out. So, this experience has been customized for my relationship to the merchant. I can see the things that I need. I am confident in the prices and these are changing and adapting over time at the scale and at the time that I needed. So again, shared catalogs and I’m repeating this because it is a little bit tricky to get, enable B2B merchants, to show the right products at the right prices to the right customers. To learn more, you’ll want to go into our Commerce User Guide, go to Shared Catalogs. And this will walk you through all of the steps to creating and managing those shared catalogs. Thanks. -

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