Access the Shared Catalogs page

On the Admin sidebar, go to Catalog > Shared Catalogs.

Actions controls

The actions controls in the upper-left corner can be used with the mass actions control to delete selected shared catalogs that are no longer needed. In the grid, the Actions column contains the full selection of tools to manage your shared catalogs.

Shared Catalog Actions

Set Pricing and StructureDetermines the product selection and custom pricing that is available in the shared catalog.
Assign CompaniesDetermines which companies can access a shared catalog.
General SettingsDetermines the catalog detail information, including the name, catalog type, customer tax class, and description.
DeleteDeletes the selected shared catalogs.

Column descriptions

SelectSelects shared catalog records for applying an action. The control in the header can be used to select all or deselect all shared catalog records in the grid. To select an individual shared catalog, select the checkbox.
IDA unique numeric identifier that is assigned in sequence when the catalog is created.
NameThe name of the shared catalog. By default, the default (General) shared catalog is available.
TypeIdentifies the type of shared catalog as either:
Public - The default public shared catalog is created automatically when Adobe Commerce B2B is installed. It is initially assigned to the General and Not Logged In customer groups, and is visible to guests and individual logged-in customers who are not associated with a company. The system supports only one public shared catalog at a time.
Custom - A custom shared catalog contains pricing that is visible only to logged-in associates of the assigned company accounts. You can create as many custom shared catalogs as you need.
Customer Tax ClassThe tax class that is assigned to the corresponding customer group. This column does not appear in the default grid, but can be added by changing the column layout.
Created AtThe date and time the shared catalog was created.
Created ByThe first and last name of the store administrator who created the shared catalog.
ActionLists actions that be applied to selected catalogs. Options: Set Pricing and Structure / Assign Companies / General Settings / Delete
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