Company administrator

The following example shows the Customers grid with initial company administrator accounts.

Customers grid with company administrator account

Each company has a single company administrator identified by the account email address and the first and last name of the administrator. The administrator can be assigned to other companies as a user, but they can be an administrator for only one company.

After creating the account, the company administrator defines the company structure of teams, sets up the company users, and establishes roles and permissions for each.

Set company administrator password before first sign-in

  1. The company administrator finds a welcome email from the store.

    Example Welcome Email

    The email address targets and content of the email are determined by the options specified in the company email options configuration.
  2. Follows the instructions and clicks link to set their password.

  3. Enters a New Password and password confirmation for their account.

    The password must include at least three of the following character types:

    • Lowercase characters (abc…)
    • Uppercase characters (ABC…)
    • Numbers (1234567890)
    • Special characters (!@#$…)
  4. Clicks Set a New Password.

    Customer Login - company admin

  5. When the Customer Login page appears, the customer enters their Email and Password.

  6. Clicks Sign In to access their account dashboard.

    Account Dashboard - company

Company structure

A company account can be set up to reflect the structure of the business. Initially, the company structure includes only the company administrator, but can be expanded to include teams of users. The users can be associated with teams or organized within a hierarchy of divisions and subdivisions within the company. The structure is designed to support the use of approval rules for purchase orders (POs) associated with the company account.

Company Structure with Divisions

In the company administrator’s account dashboard, the company structure is represented as a tree and initially consists of only the company administrator.

Company Structure with Company Administrator

When the account is created, the company administrator can use the company email address or be assigned a different email address.

In the following example, the initial company structure includes the company administrator plus an individual user account in the name of the company administrator. But company administrator functions (such as company structure and approval rules) are available only when they are logged in to the user account that is designated as the company administrator.

Company Structure with Administrator and User Account

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