Order Total

This rule type is used to require a PO approval based on the order total, including tax.

  1. Chooses an Order Total amount option:

    • is more than
    • is less than
    • is more than or equal to
    • is less than or equal to
  2. Selects the currency type and enter the amount.

Order Total Approval Rule

Shipping Cost

This rule type is used to require a PO approval based on shipping cost, which many companies require.

  1. Sets the Shipping cost value:

    • is more than
    • is less than
    • is more than or equal to
    • is less than or equal to
  2. Sets the desired shipping amount.

Shipping Cost Approval Rule

Number of SKUs

This rule type is used to require a PO approval based on the number of SKUs or unique products in the order. It controls the number of distinct item types, not the number of items being ordered. For example, a PO could include:

  • Two large white shirts
  • Three medium white shirts

This example specifies five items, but two distinct SKUs.

  1. Sets the Number of SKUs value:

    • is more than
    • is less than
    • is more than or equal to
    • is less than or equal to
  2. Sets the quantity of SKUs.

Number of SKUs Approval Rule

Edit approval rules

To modify an existing approval rule, a customer can complete the following steps:

  1. In the sidebar of their account, the customer selects Approval Rules.

  2. Finds the approval rule entry to be edited.

  3. Clicks Edit.

  4. Makes all needed changes and clicks Save.

Delete approval rules

To remove an existing approval rule, a customer can complete the following steps:

  1. In the sidebar of their account, selects Approval Rules.

  2. Finds the approval rule entry to be deleted.

  3. Clicks Delete.

  4. To confirm the action, clicks OK.

Purchase order approvals demo

Watch this video to learn about purchase order approvals:

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