Catalog > Catalog

To access the store configuration settings, choose Stores > Settings > Configuration from the Admin sidebar.

Product Fields Auto-Generation

Product Fields Auto-Generation

Mask for SKU
Determines the default value of the SKU field based on placeholder values from other fields and any additional text that is entered. Default placeholder:
Product Name - {{name}}
Mask for Meta Title
Determines the default value of the Meta Title field based on placeholder values from other fields and any additional text that is entered. Default placeholder:
Product Name - {{name}}
Mask for Meta Keywords
Determines the default value of the Meta Keywords field based on placeholder values from other fields and any additional text that is entered. Default placeholder:
Product Name - {{name}}
Mask for Meta Description
Determines the default value of the Meta Description field based on placeholder values from other fields and any additional text that is entered. Default placeholder:
Product Name - {{name}}
Description - {{description}}

Product Reviews

Product Reviews

Store View
Enables product reviews. Options: Yes / No
Allow Guests to Write Reviews
Determines if customers must open an account with your store to be able to write product reviews.



List Mode
Store View
Determines the format of the search results list. Options:
Grid Only - Formats the list as a grid of rows and columns. Each product appears in a single cell of the grid.
List Only - Formats the list with each product on a separate row.
Grid (default / List) - By default, products appear in Grid view and can be toggled to List view.
List (default / Grid) - By default, products appear in List View and can be toggled to Grid view.
Products per Page on Grid Allowed Values
Store View
Determines the number of products displayed in Grid View. To provide a selection of options, enter multiple values separated by commas.
Products per Page on Grid Default Value
Store View
Determines the number of products displayed per page by default in grid view.
Products per Page on List Allowed Values
Store View
Determines the number of products displayed in List View. To provide a selection of options, enter multiple values separated by commas.
Products per Page on List Default Value
Store View
Determines the number of products displayed per page by default, in list view.
Product Listing Sort by
Store View
Determines the sort order of the search results list. The selection of options is determined by the Display Settings of the category and the available attributes that are set to be Used for Sorting in Product Listing. The default is set to Use All Available Attributes and typically includes Best Value, Name, Price. This setting does not apply to the Live Search Product Listing Page Widget.
Allow All Products per Page
Store View
If set to Yes, includes the ALL option in the “Show per Page” control.
Remember Category Pagination
If set to Yes, the current category pagination values are saved as customers browse from one category to another in product listings. Saving the value uses more cache storage and can affect the way pages are indexed by search engines. Options: Yes / No (default)
Use Flat Catalog Category
Enables the flat category structure (not recommended). Options: Yes / No
Use Flat Catalog Product
Enables the flat product structure. (not recommended) Options: Yes / No
Swatches per Product
Store View
Determines the number of swatches available for each product. Default: 16
Show Swatches in Product List
Store View
Determines if the swatches appear in the Product List. Options: Yes / No
Show Swatch Tooltip
Store View
Determines if the swatch tooltip appears. Options: Yes / No

Product Alerts

Product Alerts

Allow Alerts When Product Price Changes
Store View
Determines if email alerts are available for product price changes. Options: Yes / No
Price Alert Email Template
Store View
Identifies the template that is used for product price change email alerts. Default template: Product price alert
Allow Alert When Product Comes Back in Stock
Determines if customers can choose to receive an alert when the product comes back in stock. Options: Yes / No
Stock Alert Email Template
Store View
Identifies the template that is used for stock alert email notifications. Default template: Product stock alert
Alert Email Sender
Store View
Determines the store contact that appears as the sender of the product alert email message. Options: General Contact / Sales Representative / Customer Support / Custom Email

Product Alerts Run Settings

Product Alerts Run Settings

Choose how often product alerts are sent out. Options: Daily / Weekly / Monthly
Start Time
Choose what time of day the product alert process starts. This time should be after any price or inventory updates are performed.
Error Email Recipient
Identify the email address of the person (normally a store administrator) who should receive an email notification when there is an error in the product alert process.
Error Email Sender
Select the role that the email is from.
Error Email Template
Select the email template to use for product alert error notifications.

Product Image Placeholders

Product Image Placeholders

Base Image
Store View
Identifies the placeholder file chosen for the base image.
Small Image
Store View
Identifies the placeholder file chosen for the small image.
Store View
Identifies the placeholder file chosen for the swatch.
Store View
Identifies the placeholder file chosen for the thumbnail.
Choose File
Navigates to the file and uploads it as the placeholder image for the type.

Recently Viewed/Compared Products

Recently Viewed/Compared Products

Synchronize widget products with backend storage
Determines the sync of product widget information, such as product ID, with the database. This allows the reuse of information on other devices.
Show for Current
Limits the products shown to the current website. Options: Website / Store / Store View
Default Recently Viewed Products Count
Store View
Determines the maximum number of recently viewed products that appear in the list.
Default Recently Compared Products Count
Store View
Determines the maximum number of recently compared products that appear in the list.
Lifetime of products in Recently Viewed Widget
Determines how long, in seconds, viewed products are displayed in the recently viewed list.
Lifetime of products in Recently Compared Widget
Determines how long, in seconds, compared products are displayed in the recently compared list.

Product Video

Product Videos

YouTube API key
Store View
Specifies the API key that is required to connect to the YouTube server.
Autostart base video
Store View
To auto-start the video after the page loads, set to Yes.
Show related video
Store View
To display related videos, set to Yes.
Auto restart video
Store View
To enable auto replay video, set to Yes.



Catalog Price Scope
Determines the scope of the base currency. Options: Global / Website
Default Product Price
Adobe Commerce (Adobe Commerce only) Defines the default product price, if applicable.

Layered Navigation

The standard search configuration described in this section differs for Live Search.

Layered Navigation - Automatic (equalize price ranges)

Layered Navigation - Automatic (equalize product counts)

Layered Navigation - Manual

Display Product Count
Store View
Determines if the product count appears after each attribute, price range, and category. Options: Yes / No
Price Navigation Step Calculation
Store View
Determines the method used to determine the price navigation step). Options:
Automatic (equalize price ranges) - Bases the calculation on the price range of products in the group.
Automatic (equalize product counts) - Bases the calculation on the number of products in the group. Establishes a threshold for the minimum number of products in the group, to prevent them from being divided into smaller groups.
Manual - Uses the division limit that you enter for price intervals.
Default Price Navigation Step
Store View
Determines the number of products that are included in each step.
Maximum Number of Price Intervals
Store View
Establishes a limit for the number of price intervals that appear in layered navigation.

Category Permissions

Adobe Commerce feature {width="20"} Exclusive feature only in Adobe Commerce (Learn more)

Category Permissions

Activates category restrictions. By default, using this feature restricts all categories. Options: Yes / No
Allow Browsing Category
Determines who is allowed to browse through categories. Options:
Yes, for Everyone - Allows all visitors and customers to the browse the category.
Yes, for Specified Customer Groups - Allows only members of selected customer groups to browse the category.
No, Redirect to Landing Page - Denies access to the category and redirects to the selected page.
Display Product Prices
Controls the display of product prices for the category. Options:
Yes, for Everyone - Allows everyone to see the price of products in the category.
Yes, for Specified Customer Groups - Allows only members of selected customer groups to see the price of products in the category.
No - Turns off the display of product prices for the category.
Allow Adding to Cart
Determines who can purchase products from the category. Options:
Yes, for Everyone - Allows everyone to place products from the category into their shopping carts.
Yes, for Specified Customer Groups - Allows only members of selected customer groups to place products from the category into their shopping carts.
No - Does not allow anyone to place products from the category into their shopping carts.
Disallow Catalog Search by
Identifies the customer groups that are not allowed to search for products in the category.

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization

Popular Search Terms
Store View
Determines if Popular Search Terms is implemented in the store. This setting does not apply to stores that use Live Search. Options: Enable / Disable
Product URL Suffix
Store View
Determines if a suffix, such as html or htm, is applied to product URLs. If used, do not include a period before the suffix, because it is applied automatically.
Category URL Suffix
Store View
Determines if a suffix, such as html or htm, is applied to category URLs. If used, do not include a period before the suffix, because it is applied automatically.
Use Categories Path for Product URLs
Store View
Determines if category paths are included in product URLs. Doing so can cause multiple URLs to point to the same page, which might impact search rank. To learn more, see Canonical meta tag.
Create Permanent Redirect for URLs if URL Key Changed
Store View
Determines if a permanent redirect is created automatically whenever a URL key changes. When implemented, the Create Custom Redirect for old URL checkbox below the product URL Key field is selected by default. Options: Yes / No
Generate “category/product” URL Rewrites
Determines if Adobe Commerce generates data and saves it into rewrite tables when a user saves a category that contains many assigned products. Options: Yes / No

Important: Saving this generated data into a URL rewrites table can degrade performance. See Automatic Product Redirects for more information.
Apply transliteration for product URL
Store View
Determines if transliteration is applied when creating or updating product URLs. Options: Yes / No. Default is set to Yes.

For certain use cases, you should disable transliteration. For example, if you operate an online store in Chinese, SEO best practices recommend that product URLs match the product name. Setting the option to No allows Chinese characters to be used in product URLs instead of an ASCII equivalent.
Page Title Separator
Store View
Identifies the character that separates the category name and subcategory in the browser title bar.
Use Canonical Link Meta Tag for Categories
Store View
If there are multiple URLs that point to the same category page, this option uses a canonical meta tag to identify the category URL that search engines should index. The URL includes a full name to the category using the meta tag. This reduces duplicate content and improves SEO. Options: Yes / No
Use Canonical Link Meta Tag for Products
Store View
If there are multiple URLs that point to the same product page, this option uses a canonical meta tag to identify the product URL that search engines should index. The URL includes a full name to the product using the meta tag. This reduces duplicate content and improves SEO. Options: Yes / No

Category Top Navigation

Category Top Navigation

Maximal Depth
Determines the number of subcategory levels in the top navigation. The default value of 0 places no limit on the number of levels.

You can configure Catalog Search using Live Search or third-party search engine services that Adobe Commerce supports. Follow the instructions for your installation.

When Live Search is installed, Catalog Search includes the following configuration settings:

Catalog Search for Live Search

Minimal Query Length
Store View
The minimum number of characters allowed in a catalog search. The value set for this option must be compatible with the corresponding range set in your Elasticsearch search engine configurations. For example, if you set this value to 2 in Adobe Commerce, update the value in your search engine.
Maximum Query Length
Store View
The maximum number of characters allowed in a catalog search. The value set for this option must be compatible with the corresponding range set in your Elasticsearch search engine configurations. For example, if you set this value to 300 in Adobe Commerce, update the value in your search engine.
Number of top search results to cache
Store View
The number of popular search terms and results to cache for faster responses. Entering a value of 0 caches all search terms and results when entered a second time. Default value: 100
Autocomplete Limit
Store View
Determines the maximum number of lines available in the [storefront popover] page. The default value can be changed when Live Search is installed, and updated later by changing this configuration setting. Default value: 8

Third-party search engines

Adobe Commerce supports OpenSearch and Elasticsearch. Adobe Commerce versions 2.3.7-p3, 2.4.3-p2, and 2.4.4 and later support the OpenSearch service. Elasticsearch 7.11 and later is not supported on Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure projects. Elasticsearch is still supported for on-premises installations.

  • Due to the Elasticsearch 7 end-of-support announcement for August 2023, Adobe recommends that all Adobe Commerce customers migrate to the OpenSearch 2.x search engine. For information about migrating your search engine during an upgrade, see Migrating to OpenSearch in the Upgrade Guide.
  • In versions 2.4.4 and 2.4.3-p2, all fields labeled Elasticsearch also apply to OpenSearch. When support for Elasticsearch 8.x was introduced in version 2.4.6, new labels were created to distinguish between Elasticsearch and OpenSearch configurations. However, the configuration options for both are the same.

Catalog search configuration options

Minimal Query Length
Store View
The minimum number of characters allowed in a catalog search. The value set for this option must be compatible with the corresponding range set in your OpenSearch or Elasticsearch configuration. For example, if you set this value to 2 in Adobe Commerce, you must also update the value in your search engine configuration. Default value: 3
Maximum Query Length
Store View
The maximum number of characters allowed in a catalog search. The value set for this option must be compatible with the corresponding range set in your OpenSearch sor Elasticsearch configuration. For example, if you set this value to 300 in Adobe Commerce, you must update the value in your search engine configuration. Default value: 128
Number of top search results to cache
Store View
The number of popular search terms and results to cache for faster responses. Entering a value of 0 caches all search terms and results when entered a second time. Default value: 100
Enable EAV Indexer
Determines whether to enable or disable the Product EAV indexer. This feature improves indexation speed and restricts the indexer from use by third-party extensions. Default option: Yes for enabled
Autocomplete Limit
Store View
The maximum number of search queries to display below the search field for search autocomplete. Restricting this amount increases performance of searches and reduces the displayed list size. Default value: 8
Search Engine
Identifies the search engine required to process requests for catalog data. The search engine configuration options are the same for both OpenSearch and Elasticsearch. Options: OpenSearch or Elasticsearch
OpenSearch Server Hostname
Specifies the name of the OpenSearch or Elasticsearch host server.
OpenSearch Server Port
Specifies the number of the server port used by OpenSearch or Elasticsearch. Default value: 9200
OpenSearch Index Prefix
Assigns a prefix to identify the OpenSearch or Elasticsearch index. Default value: magento2
Enable OpenSearch HTTP Auth
If enabled, uses HTTP authentication to prompt for a username and password before accessing the OpenSearch or Elasticsearch server. Options: Yes / No
OpenSearch HTTP Username
When Enable Elasticsearch HTTP Auth is set to Yes, specifies the username for OpenSearch or Elasticsearch HTTP authentication.
OpenSearch HTTP Password
When Enable Elasticsearch HTTP Auth is set to Yes, specifies the password for OpenSearch or Elasticsearch HTTP authentication.
OpenSearch Server Timeout
Determines the number of seconds before a request to the OpenSearch or Elasticsearch server times out. Default value: 15
Test Connection
Validates the OpenSearch or Elasticsearch connection.
Enable Search Recommendations
Store View
Determines if search recommendations are offered when a search returns no results and appear under the Related search terms section on the search results page. Options: Yes / No
When set to Yes, additional options display for Search Recommendations Count and Shows Results Count for Each Recommendation.
Search Recommendations Count
Store View
Specifies the number of search terms offered as recommendations. By default, no more than five are shown.
Show Results Count for Each Recommendation
Store View
When set to Yes, the number of products found for the proposed search recommendation is shown in the brackets. Options: Yes / No
Enable Search Suggestions
Store View
Determines if search suggestions appear for common misspellings. When enabled, search suggestions are offered for any request that returns no results and appear under the Did you mean section on the Search results page. Search suggestions can impact the performance of search. When set to Yes, additional options display for Enable Search Recommendations and associated fields. Options: Yes / No
Search Suggestions Count
Store View
Determines the number of search suggestions that are offered. For example: 2
Show Results Count for Each Suggestion
Store View
Determines if the number of search results is shown for each suggestion. Depending on theme, the number usually appears in brackets after the suggestion. Options: Yes / No
Minimum Terms to Match
Store View
Specifies a value that corresponds to the number of terms from your query that the search results should match in order to be returned. This ensures optimal results relevancy for shoppers. Percent values correlate to a number, and if needed, rounded down and used as the minimum number of terms to match in your query. The value can be a negative or positive integer, negative or positive percent, a combination of the two, or multiple combinations. To learn more, see minimum_should_match parameter in the OpenSearch documentation.

Downloadable Product Options

Downloadable Product Options

Order Item Status to Enable Downloads
Determines the status that an order must have before downloads become available. Options: Pending / Invoiced
Default Maximum Number of Downloads
Determines the default number of downloads available to a customer.
Determines if customers must log in to their accounts to access the download link. Options:
Yes - Allows the link to be sent by email, which can then be shared with others.
No - Requires customers to log in to their accounts to access the download link.
Default Sample Title
Store View
The default title for all sample files.
Default Link Title
Store View
The default link for all downloadable titles.
Opens Links in New Window
Determines if the download link opens in a new browser window. Options: Yes / No
Use Content Disposition
Store View
Determines how the link to the downloadable content is delivered, as an email attachment or as an inline link in a browser window. Options:
Attachment - The download link is delivered as an email attachment.
Inline - The download link is delivered as an inline link on a web page.
Disable Guest Checkout if Cart Contains Downloadable Items
Determines if guests who are purchase downloadable products must register for an account and log in to complete the checkout process. Options:
Yes - If the cart contains downloadable products, the guest has to either register for an account, or login to an existing account to complete the purchase.
No - The download link is delivered as an inline link in the body of the email message.
Note: Guest checkout is only available for download products if Sharable is set to Yes.

Date & Time Custom Options

Date & Time Custom Options

Use JavaScript Calendar
Store View
Determines if the JavaScript calendar is used as an input control for date fields. Options: Yes / No
If set to No, a separate dropdown appears for each part of the date field.
Date Fields Order
Store View
Establishes the order of the three date fields. Options: Day / Month / Year
Time Format
Store View
Sets the time format to either a 12 or 24-hour clock. Options: 12h AM/PM / 24h
Year Range
Store View
Defines the beginning and ending range of years that appear in the Year field. The value must be entered in YYYY format.

Catalog Events

Adobe Commerce feature {width="20"} Exclusive feature only in Adobe Commerce (Learn more)

Catalog Events

Enable Catalog Events Functionality
Determines whether the Events module is enabled.
Enable Catalog Event Widget on Frontend
Store View
Determines if the Event Widget is available in the storefront. This is a static block with information about events in your site.
Number of Events to be Displayed in the Event Slider Widget
Store View
Determines the number of events that appear in the event slider widget on the category pages. To override, use the limit="x" variable.
Events to Scroll per Click in Event Slider Widget
Store View
Determines the number of events that appear in the event slider widget on CMS pages, such as the home page. To override, use the scroll="x" variable.

Rule-Based Product Relations

Adobe Commerce feature {width="20"} Exclusive feature only in Adobe Commerce (Learn more)

Rule-Based Product Relations

Maximum Number of Products in Related Products List
Determines the maximum number of products that can appear in the Related Products list.
Show Related Products
Determines which list of related products appears in the store. It can be either the list that is selected manually in the Product Information, the list that is generated in response to a product relationship rule, or a combination of the two. Options: Both Selected and Rule-Based / Selected Only / Rule-Based Only
Rotation Mode for Products in Related Products List
Determines the order in which products in the Related Products list appear. Options: Do not rotate / Shuffle
Maximum Number of Products in Cross-Sell Product List
Determines the maximum number of products that can appear in the cross-sell list.
Show Cross-Sell Products
Determines which list of cross-sell products appears in the store. It can be either the list that is selected manually in the Product Information, the list that is generated in response to a product relationship rule, or a combination of the two. Options: Both Selected and Rule-Based / Selected Only / Rule-Based Only
Rotation Mode for Products in Cross-Sell Products List
Determines the order in which products in the Cross-Sell Products list appear. Options: Do not rotate / Shuffle
Maximum Number of Products in Upsell Product List
Determines the maximum number of products that can appear in the Up-sell Products list.
Show Upsell Products
Determines which list of up-sell products appears in the store. It can be either the list that is selected manually in the Product Information, the list that is generated in response to a product relationship rule, or a combination of the two. Options: Both Selected and Rule-Based / Selected Only / Rule-Based Only
Rotation Mode for Products in Upsell Product List
Determines the order in which products in the Upsell Product list appear. Options: Do not rotate / Shuffle