Product listings
Product listings can be set to appear by default as either a list or grid. You can also determine how many products appear per page, and which attribute is used to sort the list. The product list includes a set of controls that can be used to sort the products, change the format of the list, sort by attribute, and advance from one page to the next.
Configure product listings
On the Admin sidebar, go to Stores > Settings > Configuration.
In the left panel, expand Catalog and choose Catalog underneath.
Expand the Storefront section.
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For a detailed list of these options, see Storefront in the Configuration Reference.
note note NOTE To correctly display products and their prices according to product sorting by price, make sure that the settings for the price display in the Sales Tax configuration have the same value ( Excluding Tax
orIncluding Tax
). For the Calculation Settings, check the Catalog Prices value. And for Price Display Settings, check the Display Product Prices in Catalog value. If these have different values, price filters in the layered navigation may not properly filter and sort products by price. -
Set the default List Mode to one of the following:
Grid Only
List Only
Grid (default) / List
List (default / Grid
For Products per Page on Grid Allowed Values, enter the number of products that you want to appear per page when shown in grid format.
To enter a selection of values, separate each number by a comma.
For Products per Page on Grid Default Value, enter the default number of products to appear in the grid per page.
For Products per Page on List Allowed Values, enter the number of products that you want to appear per page when shown in list format.
To enter a selection of values, separate each number by a comma.
For Products per page on List Default Value, enter the default number of products that appear in the list, per page.
Set Product Listing Sorted by to the default attribute that is initially used to sort the list.
To give customers the option to list all products, set Allow All Products on Page to
. -
If you want to retain all pagination settings as customers browse through catalog listings, set Remember Category Pagination to
.Enabling this setting ensures that the number of products displayed in a list or grid is retained as shoppers browse from one category to another. By default, this field is set to
because it uses more cache storage and can impact the way pages are indexed by search engines. -
If using a flat catalog (not recommended), do the following:
To display a flat category listing of products, set Use Flat Catalog Category to
. -
To display a flat product listing, set Use Flat Catalog Product to
If you want to allow dynamic references for media assets in category and product URLs, set Allow Dynamic Media URLs in Products and Categories to
. -
When complete, click Save Config.
Page controls
Pagination controls
The Pagination settings appear at the top and bottom of the list, and control the format of the pagination links for product listings. You can set the number of links that appear in the control, and configure the Next and Previous links. For the pagination links to appear, there must be more products in the list than are allowed per page in the product list configuration.
Storefront pagination controls
Configure the pagination controls
On the Admin sidebar, go to Content > Design > Configuration.
Find the store view that you want to configure and, in the Action column, click Edit.
Under Other Settings, expand the Pagination section.
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For more information about these settings, see Design Configuration.
For Pagination Frame, enter the number of links that you want to appear in the pagination control.
For Pagination Frame Skip, enter the number of links that you want to skip ahead before displaying the next set of links in the pagination control.
For example, if the pagination frame has five links, and you want to jump to the next five links, how many links do you want to skip ahead? If you set the value to four (
), the last link from the previous set is the first link in the next set. -
For Anchor Text for Previous, enter the text that you want to appear for the Previous link.
Leave blank to use the default arrow.
For Anchor Text for Next, enter the text that you want to appear for the Next link. Leave blank to use the default arrow.
When complete, click Save Configuration.