Create a shared catalog

When a shared catalog is created, the system automatically creates a customer group by the same name. For example, if you create a shared catalog called ABC Catalog, the system also creates a corresponding ABC Catalog customer group. Assigning a company to the shared custom catalog is essentially the same as assigning them to a customer group.

A new shared catalog does not include products, custom pricing, or company associations. A public catalog, which is the default shared catalog that is created when shared catalogs are enabled, is automatically assigned to guests and to customers who are not associated with a company.

Shared Catalogs {width="700" modal="regular"}

The following aspects of a shared catalog must be set up before it can be used:

  • Catalog scope
  • Product selection
  • Custom prices
  • Company assignments

Price scope

If you have a multisite installation, make sure to configure the price scope before you create your shared catalogs. The price scope can be set to Global or Website. However, it can be set only at the beginning of the setup process. The website chooser appears during step 2 of the shared catalog setup.

Website Chooser {width="600" modal="regular"}

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Stores > Settings > Configuration.

  2. In the left panel, expand Catalog and choose Catalog underneath.

  3. Expand Expansion selector the Price section.

  4. Set Catalog Price Scope to Website.

    Catalog Price Scope {width="600" modal="regular"}

  5. Click Save Config.

Step 1: Create the shared catalog

There are two ways to create a shared catalog. You can create a shared catalog of either type, or duplicate an existing shared catalog. A new shared catalog does not include any products, and is not yet assigned to a company.

Method 1: Add a new shared catalog

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Catalog > Shared Catalogs.

  2. In the upper-right corner, click Add Shared Catalog and do the following:

    • Enter a Name for the shared catalog.

      The name you assign is used throughout the Admin and customer dashboard, if applicable, to refer to the shared catalog. It also becomes the name of the corresponding customer group.

    • Select Type : Custom or Public.

    • Choose the appropriate Customer Tax Class that applies to purchases made from the shared catalog.

      For more information about tax class setup and definition, see Tax classes.

      The following example shows a new custom catalog for a specific wholesale customer.

      New Shared Catalog {width="600" modal="regular"}

    • Enter Description

  3. When complete, Click Save.

    The new catalog appears in the Shared Catalogs grid.

Method 2: Duplicate an existing shared catalog

A duplicate custom catalog retains the pricing model and structure of the original, but not the company associations. A corresponding customer group is also created with the same name as the duplicate catalog. By default, a duplicate catalog is named Duplicate of the original catalog.

If a public shared catalog is duplicated, the type of the duplicate catalog changes to custom.

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Catalog > Shared Catalogs.

  2. For the shared catalog in the grid that you want to duplicate, go to the Action column and select General Settings.

  3. In the options across the top of the page, click Duplicate.

    Duplicate Shared Catalog {width="600" modal="regular"}

  4. Update the following fields for the new catalog:

    • Name
    • Type
    • Customer Tax Class
    • Description
  5. When complete, Click Save.

    The duplicate appears in the Shared Catalogs grid, with a unique ID.

Step 2: Complete the setup

After creating a new shared catalog, it must be configured with the appropriate product selection, company assignments, and category permissions. To continue, see Set pricing and structure.

B2B release 1.3.0 and later – When you create a shared catalog, each category permission for the catalog is set to Allow for the Display Product Prices and Add to Cart for customer groups that are assigned this access in the catalog permission settings. Previously, these settings were automatically set to Deny even when catalog permissions were set to Allow.

Shared catalog demo

To see a demonstration of shared catalog management, watch this video:

Shared catalog page reference

Button bar

Returns to the Shared Catalogs page without saving the new shared catalog.
Clears the form of any unsaved changes, and restores the original catalog detail information.
Save and Continue Edit
Saves all changes, and keeps the form open in edit mode.
Saves changes, closes the form, and returns to the Shared Catalogs page.

Catalog details

Identifies the shared catalog throughout the Admin, and in the customer accounts where it is available. The catalog name should be descriptive and no more than 32 characters in length. You cannot have two shared catalogs with the same name. Maximum characters: 32
Custom - Identifies a catalog with custom pricing that is available only to the specific companies to which it is assigned.
Public - Identifies the shared catalog that is available to all guest visitors and to logged-in customers who are not associated with a company. A default public shared catalog is created when Adobe Commerce B2B is installed, but must be configured by a store administrator. Only one public shared catalog can exist at a time.
Customer Tax Class
Determines the tax class that is used for purchases made from the catalog. The options include all available tax classes.
A brief explanation of how the catalog is to be used.

Grid columns

A unique numeric identifier that is assigned to shared catalog entity.
The name of the shared catalog.
Indicates the type of shared catalog. Can be Public or Custom.
Created At
The date when the shared catalog was created in the system.
Created By
The name of admin user who created a shared catalog.
The list of actions. Options: Set Pricing and Structure, Assign Companies, General Settings, Delete.