Browse and filter lists list-screens
Most of the links from the left navigation menu display lists of objects, such as the list of Deliveries or Campaigns. Some of these list screens are read-only. You can customize the list display, and filter these lists, as detailed below.
Customize list screens custom-lists
The lists are displayed in columns. You can display additional information by changing the column configuration. To do this, click the Configure column for a custom layout icon in the top right corner of the list.
In the Configure columns screen, add or remove columns, and change the order in which they are displayed.
You can change the order of your list either by drag and drop, or by using up and down arrows as shown below:
For example, for these settings:
The list shows the following columns:
Sort data sort-lists
You can also sort items in the list by clicking any column header. An arrow is displayed (Up or Down) indicating that the list is sorted on that column.
For numeric or date columns, the Up arrow indicates that the list is sorted in ascending order while the Down arrow indicates a descending order. For string or alphanumeric columns, values are listed in alphabetical order.
Filters list-built-in-filters
To find items quicker, you can use the search bar, or built-in and custom filters to adapt the list based on contextual criteria.
Detailed information on how to use filters and create your own custom filters it is available in this section.