What’s new new

We are thrilled to introduce the new version of Adobe Campaign Web User Interface. Our latest release is packed with intuitive features designed to simplify the creation of personalized cross-channel campaigns, drive exceptional results, and give you a competitive advantage across all channels. Campaign Web User Interface (UI) brings a connected canvas with Adobe Experience Platform for a unified experience.

Changes, new capabilities and improvements are listed in the monthly release notes.

Key capabilities key-features

This new Campaign Web user interface comes with the following capabilities:

Modern, friendly, and unified experience

Campaign new Web user interface offers a new user experience, connected with all Adobe Experience Cloud solutions and apps. It offers:

  • Access to the new Campaign interface, and your other Adobe solutions with a single and shared user session
  • New navigation experience, with all menus and folders available from the left rail
  • Solution and organization switchers from the top bar
  • Unified Shell integration, with a direct access to community, help center, and support

Learn how to sign in to Adobe Experience Cloud and connect to Campaign in this page.

New powerful capabilities and seamless processes

Adobe Campaign Web user interface provides a comprehensive graphical environment that empowers you to design complex processes that can help you manage your marketing campaigns with ease. It comes with:

  • Reimagined workflow canvas interface to design and manage your processes
  • Dynamic content to deliver highly targeted and personalized experiences to your audience
  • Native integration with Adobe Experience Platform audiences
  • Template management for workflows, deliveries, campaigns, and content

Learn more about the new Web user interface in this page.

New simplified and intuitive query modeler

Adobe Campaign Web features a powerful query modeler that simplifies the process of filtering databases to select specific targets based on various criteria. You can use the query modeler to:

  • Define audiences to target in your messages or workflows, and effortlessly create new audiences tailored to your needs
  • Apply rules within workflow activities, such as Split and Reconciliation, to align with your specific requirements
  • Create predefined filters that serve as shortcuts during various filtering operations, whether you’re working with data lists or forming the audience for a delivery
  • Add rule to filter the data displayed in reports
  • Create custom rules to filter the data displayed in lists such as recipients, deliveries lists, and more

Learn more in this section.

Built-in cross-channel campaign management capabilities

With Adobe Campaign, you can send cross-channel campaigns including emails, SMS, and Push notifications, and measure their effectiveness using various dedicated reports. By adding multiple workflows and deliveries specific to the campaign, you can create personalized experiences across various channels, ensuring that each touchpoint resonates with the intended audience.

Use the new Campaign Web user interface to:

  • Create, design, personalize, schedule, and send email, SMS, and push notifications - Learn more
  • Design personalized email content with the email designer - Learn more
  • Send cross channel campaigns, including SMS and push notifications - Learn more
  • Define target audiences with the query modeler - Learn more
  • Preview, test and send your messages - Learn more
  • Monitor send and measure results with built-in reports - Learn more

New and redesigned campaign workflow activities

Supercharge your marketing campaigns with our expanded set of workflow activities. Unlock new possibilities for automation and optimization, allowing you to create more dynamic and personalized customer journeys. From advanced segmentation to conditional triggers, our additional workflow activities empower you to deliver targeted messages and drive better campaign performance. Learn more in this section.

Target Audience with the query modeler

Adobe Campaign Web features a powerful and intuitive query modeler that simplifies the process of filtering databases to select specific targets based on various criteria. This includes the use of advanced expressions and operators. The query modeler is available in every context where you need to define rules to filter data. Learn more in this section.

Easy profile creation and management

You can use the new Campaign Web user interface to create and update recipients in the database directly from the Recipients menu. A simplified profile editing form allows you to enter the recipient’s contact information and attributes, and update an existing recipient, without using to the Client console. Learn more in this section.

Predefined Filters

Introducing Predefined Filter Management. Campaign Web user interface offers you an user-friendly interface to effortlessly manage and customize predefined filters to meet your specific needs. Create once and save for future use. Learn more in this section.

HTML Converter for email design

You can now import and convert any HTML content in Campaign’s email editor. Content blocks are automatically identified, and available in the email designer: use its powerful design capabilities to update and personalize it! Learn more in this section.

SMS with offers

The new Campaign Web user interface enables you to integrate offers with SMS in addition to Email. Reach your audience on their mobile devices, delivering promotions, and timely notifications. Elevate your marketing efforts by harnessing the power of integrated offers through SMS on our advanced web platform.

Learn more in this section.

Transition to Campaign Web user interface

As a Campaign user, you can still access the client console to build and manage Campaign resources and components. Data and settings are synchronized from an environment to another. Learn more in this section.

In addition, all your data and settings already available in the client console are visible in the Campaign Web user interface, from the Explorer left navigation. Learn more about the Explorer view in this section.

With Campaign Web user interface, the user interface reflects the user’s permissions. Learn more about permissions in this page.

Supported and unsupported capabilities and interoperability between Campaign Web user interface and Campaign client console in this page.

As a Campaign Standard user transitioning to Campaign v8, refer to this page.

Terminology updates terminology-updates

As an existing Campaign user, note that some concepts have been renamed to align with the latest terminology standards. These changes only apply to Campaign Web user interface and are not reflected in the client console. They are summarized below.

  • Recipients are now Profiles. Learn more.
  • Seed addresses are now Test profiles. Learn more.
  • Delivery analysis is now the delivery preparation. When you need to launch the message preparation, click the Prepare button. Learn more.
  • Email Preview is now available throught the Simulate content button. Learn more
  • Lists are now Audiences. Learn more.

Limitations limitations-beta

The limitations below apply to this version:

  • Editable objects are: Recipients, Deliveries, Campaigns, Workflows, Audiences, Subscription Services, Predefined Filters, Templates, and Landing Pages. The others are read-only. Use filters and create rules to browse them all.
  • The Administration and advanced configuration capabilities are not available in Campaign Web user interface.
  • Reporting metrics (such as opens and tracking data) are updated every hour.
  • Delivery dashboard KPIs are updated every 5 min. - but the Delivery preparation is real-time.
  • Adobe Experience Cloud Notifications and Unified Help available in the top bar are not yet integrated.

When working in Campaign Web user interface with workflows created or modified in Campaign client console, specific guardrails and limitations apply. They are listed in this section.

Learn more about supported/unsupported capabilities and interoperability between Campaign Web user interface and Campaign client console in this page.
