Work with the query modeler segment-builder

Adobe Campaign Web user interface features a query modeler that simplifies the process of filtering the database based on various criteria. It ensures full compatibility with the queries created in the client console, facilitating a seamless transition to the web user interface.

Additionally, the query modeler can manage very complex and long queries efficiently, offering enhanced flexibility and precision. Furthermore, it supports predefined filters within conditions, empowering you to refine your queries with ease while utilizing advanced expressions and operators for comprehensive audience targeting and segmentation strategies.

Access the query modeler

The query modeler is available in every context where you need to define rules to filter data.

Define audiences: Specify the population you want to target in your messages or workflows, and effortlessly create new audiences tailored to your needs. Learn how to build audiences
Customize workflow activities: apply rules within workflow activities, such as Split and Reconciliation, to align with your specific requirements. Learn more on workflow activities
Predefined filters: Create predefined filters that serve as shortcuts during various filtering operations, whether you’re working with data lists or forming the audience for a delivery. Learn how to work with predefined filters
Filter reports data: Add rule to filter the data displayed in reports. Learn how to work with reports
Customize lists: Create custom rules to filter the data displayed in lists such as recipients, deliveries lists etc. Learn how to filter lists
Build conditional content: make email content dynamic by creating conditions that define which content should be displayed to different recipients, ensuring personalized and relevant messaging. Learn how to build conditional content
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When accessing an object created in the client console where rules have been applied such as an audience or a predefined filter, the Refine target section may display. This means that additional parameters have been configured to refine the rule target. These parameters can be modified in the console only.

Query modeler interface interface

The query modeler provides a central canvas where you build your query, and a right pane providing information on your query.

The central canvas canvas

The query modeler central canvas is where you add and combine the different components building your query. Learn how to build a query

The toolbar located in the upper-right corner of the canvas provides options to easily manipulate the query components and navigate in the canvas:

  • Multiple selection mode: Select multiple filtering components to copy and paste them at the location of your choice.
  • Rotate: Switch the canvas vertically.
  • Fit to screen: Adapt the canvas zoom level to your screen.
  • Zoom out / Zoom in: Zoom out or in the canvas.
  • Display map: Opens a snapshot of the canvas showing you are located.

The Rule properties pane rule-properties

On the right hand side, the Rule properties pane provides information on your query. It allows you to perform various operations to check the query and ensure it suits your needs. This pane displays when building a query to create an audience. Learn how to check and validate your query
