JavaScript code javascript-code

The JavaScript code activity is a Data management activity. Use this activity to execute a JavaScript script in the context of a workflow. This allows you to collect information from the database or perform other complex operations.

Configure the JavaScript code activity javascript-code-configuration

Follow these steps to configure the JavaScript code activity:

  1. Add a JavaScript code activity into your workflow.

  2. Choose which type of activity you want to create:

    note note
    With the Campaign Web User Interface, we have consolidated two activities into one by merging both Simple and Advanced JavaScript code functionalities. This consolidation does not impact the functionality of the activity in any way.
  3. Confirm then click the Edit code button to open the expression editor. The left hand-side pane provides predefined syntaxes that you can leverage to build your code, including event variables. Learn how to work with event variables and the expression editor

  4. In the Execution section, configure the delay to stop the activity after a period of execution. By default, the execution phase cannot exceed 1 hour. After this delay, the process is aborted with an error message and the activity execution fails. To ignore this limit, set the value to 0.

  5. Toggle on the Process errors option to keep errors that occur during the script execution in an additional output transition.

Advanced JavaScript code activities advanced

Advanced JavaScript activities allow you to perform complex operations. It allows you to:

  • Execute two different code snippets. The first code snippet is executed the first time the workflow is started. Each time the workflow runs again, the code snippet defined in the second call is executed.
  • Add multiple output transitions that you can dynamically interact with using a script.

To configure an Advanced JavaScript code activity, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Advanced type, then configure the code snippet(s) to execute:

    • Click Edit first call code to define the script to execute during the first call.
    • Click Edit next call code to define the script to execute during the next calls of the workflow. (optional)
  2. To add one or multiple output transitions, click the Add transitions button and specify a label and an internal name for each transition.

    In this example we have configured two transitions that are activated by the script in the code snippet based on specific conditions.

  3. Complete the configuration of the activity and start the workflow.

Example javascript-code-example

Initialize variables based on the incoming population example1

This example shows how to initialize a variable based on the number of profiles targeted by a workflow.

Here, we are targeting VIP profiles from our database. We want to create a variable named “channel” with a value that depend on the number of profiles targeted by the Build audience activity:

  • If more than 1000 profiles are targeted, intialize the variable with the value “email”.
  • Otherwise, initialize it with the value “sms”.

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Add a JavaScript code activity with the type Simple after the Build audience activity.

  2. Click Edit code and configure the code snippet as below:

    code language-none
    if (vars.recCount > 1000) ="email"
    else = "sms"
  3. Start the workflow. The “channel” variable is created with the “email” or “sms” value, depending on the number of profiles targeted by the Build audience activity.

Trigger transitions based on a variable’s value example2

This example shows how to trigger a transition based on the value of a variable.

Here, the workflow starts with an External signal activity, into which a variable (interest) is passed from another workflow. The value of the variable is either “running” or “yoga”, depending on the filtering operations performed in the initial workflow.

We want to trigger different transitions in the workflow, based on the value of the variable.

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Add a JavaScript code activity after the External signal activity with the type Advanced.

  2. Add two transitions: one for each possible variable value (“running”, “yoga”).

  3. Click Edit first call code and configure the code snippet as below:

    code language-none
    if (vars.interest=="running")
  4. Complete the configuration of each transition to suit your needs then start the workflow. One of the two output transitions is activated, based on the value of the interest variable that has been passed through the External signal activity.
