Create the workflow create-first-workflow

You can create standalone workflows, or workflows within a campaign. The first step is to select a template and define its general properties. You can then configure additional settings as needed.

To do so, follow these steps:

  1. To create a Standalone workflow, browse to the Worklows menu. To create a Campaign workflow, browse to the Campaigns menu, and open the campaign for which you want to create a new workflow.

  2. Click the Create workflow button in the upper-right corner of the screen.


  3. In workflow Properties dialog, select the template to use to create the workflow (you can also use the default built-in template). Learn more about workflow templates.

  4. Enter a label for the workflow. In addition, we strongly recommend you to add a description to your workflow, in the dedicated field of the Additional options section of the screen.

  5. Expand the Additional options section to configure more settings for the workflow. Learn how to configure the worklow properties in this page


  6. Click the Create workflow button to confirm the creation of your workflow.

Your workflow is now created and available in the list of worklows. You can now access its visual canvas and start adding, configuring, and orchestrating the tasks it will perform. Learn how to orchestrate workflow activities.

Work with workflow templates workflow-templates

Workflow templates contain pre-configured settings and activities which can be reused for creating new workflows. You can select the template of your workflow from the workflow properties, when creating a workflow. An empty template is provided by default.

You can create a template from an existing workflow, or create a new template from scratch. Both methods are detailed below.

Create a template from an existing workflow

To create a workflow template from an existing workflow, follow these steps:

  1. Open to the Workflows menu and browse to the workflow to save as a template.

  2. Click the three dots on the right of the name of the workflow, and choose Copy as template.


  3. In the popup window, confirm the template creation.

  4. In the workflow template canvas, check, add, and configure the activities as needed.

  5. Browse to the settings, from the Settings button, to change the name of the workflow template, and enter a description.

  6. Select the folder and execution folder of the template. The folder is the location where the workflow template is saved. The execution folder is the folder where workflows created based on this template are saved.


    The other properties are common with workflows. Learn more in this page

  7. Save your changes.

The workflow template is now available in the template list. You can create a workflow based on this template. This workflow will be pre-configured with the settings and activities defined in the template.

Create a template from scratch

To create a workflow template from scratch, follow these steps:

  1. Open to the Workflows menu and browse to the Templates tab. You can see the list of available workflow templates.

  2. Click the Create template button in the upper-right corner of the screen.

  3. Enter the label and open the additional options to enter a description of your workflow template.

  4. Select the folder and execution folder of the template. The folder is the location where the workflow template is saved. The execution folder is the folder where workflows created based on this template are saved.


    The other properties are common with workflows. Learn more in this page

  5. Click the Create button to confirm your settings.

  6. In the workflow template canvas, add and configure the activities as needed.


  7. Save your changes.

The workflow template is now available in the template list. You can create a workflow based on this template. This workflow will be pre-configured with the settings and activities defined in the template.
