How to increase “aries.transaction.timeout” to address the issues related to conversion of large files
Last update: Tue May 14 2024 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
- Topics:
- Output Service
- Forms Service
- Intermediate
- Admin
This video walks through the process of increasing “aries.transaction.timeout” to address the issues related to conversion of large files.
Hello everyone, in this video we will show you how to increase Aries Transaction Timeout to address the issues related to conversion of large files in AM forms. When you try to convert a large sized file to PDF format in AM forms, you may encounter a transaction timeout error and the conversion cannot take place. To resolve this issue, you will need to increase the Aries Transaction Timeout in your AM forms instance. Create a text file named as org.apache.aries.transaction with the following parameter as shown. Here we have set the timeout to 1200 seconds. You can also modify this value to a longer timeout period that helps avoid transaction timeout error. Save this file as a config file with .config extension. Now traverse to the location where your AM instance is installed and locate crx-quickstart folder. Open this folder and go to install directory. Drop the config file created earlier in this install folder. Now visit AM web console configuration page and find org-apache.aries.transaction configuration. You can see that the timeout has been updated to 1200 seconds. So this is how you can increase the Aries Transaction Timeout in AM forms. Thank you for watching this video.