Using sightly template to display inbox data

You can use sightly template to format the data that is to be displayed in inbox columns. In this example we will display coral-ui icons depending on the value of the income column. The following screenshot shows the use of icons in the income column

The sightly template used to display the custom coral ui icons is provided as part of this article.

Sightly template

Following is the sightly template. The code in the template displays icon depending on the income. The icons are available as part of the coral ui icon library that comes with AEM.

<template data-sly-template.incomeTemplate="${@ item}>">
    <td is="coral-table-cell" class="payload-income-cell">
         <div data-sly-test="${(item.workflowMetadata && item.workflowMetadata.income)}" data-sly-set.income ="${item.workflowMetadata.income}">
                 <coral-icon icon="confidenceOne" size="M" data-sly-test="${income >=0 && income <10000}"></coral-icon>
                 <coral-icon icon="confidenceTwo" size="M" data-sly-test="${income >=10000 && income <100000}"></coral-icon>
                 <coral-icon icon="confidenceThree" size="M" data-sly-test="${income >=100000 && income <500000}"></coral-icon>
                 <coral-icon icon="confidenceFour" size="M" data-sly-test="${income >=500000}"></coral-icon>

Service implementation

Following code is the service implementation for displaying the income column.

Line 12 associates the column with the sightly template

import java.util.Map;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component;
import com.adobe.cq.inbox.ui.InboxItem;
import com.adobe.cq.inbox.ui.column.Column;
import com.adobe.cq.inbox.ui.column.provider.ColumnProvider;

@Component(service = ColumnProvider.class, immediate = true)
public class IncomeProvider implements ColumnProvider {
public Column getColumn() {

return new Column("income", "Income", String.class.getName(),"inbox/customization/column-templates.html", "incomeTemplate");

public Object getValue(InboxItem inboxItem) {
Object val = null;

Map workflowMetadata = inboxItem.getWorkflowMetadata();

if (workflowMetadata != null && workflowMetadata.containsKey("income"))
    val = workflowMetadata.get("income");

return val;

Test on your server

This article assumes you have installed the sample workflow and sample form from previous article in this series.

Submitting the form will trigger the workflow and a task is assigned to “admin” user. You should see appropriate icon under the income column
