Adding a Digital Signature Field
Short Video which describes adding Digital Signatures to AEM Forms
Adobe Experience Manager Forms Designer gives us the ability to use digital signatures as well as scribble signatures. HTML5 forms are increasingly being used on touch devices and one common requirement is to support signatures. Scribing, or writing with a stylus or finger, is becoming an acceptable way of signing forms on mobile devices. HTML5 forms and Forms Designer now enable the option of having scribble signature fields on the form. When the form is rendered in a browser, one can sign on these fields using a stylus, mouse, or touch. We will touch on this topic in another video. Digital signatures provide a very robust security option and not supported in HTML browsers. When dragging a signature field onto the canvas, Designer gives us a tips and hints window that pops up and describes the nature of signature fields and what they are designed to do. As you can see, there are many options that we have for configuring digital signatures. We’re going to cover only a very simple use case, so we’re going to keep the default settings. We’re going to preview this form within Forms Designer. We can fill out the form as we normally would by clicking on the signature field. You can see we already have a digital signature configured and available. Here we’re going to take the default signature. You can be assured that AEM Forms Designer can support the digital signatures that your organization requires. We have organizations that require the most robust signatures available.