[Integration]{class="badge positive"}

Adaptive Form with single signer

[AEM Forms 6.5]{class="badge informative"}

The video explains the various steps needed to configure an adaptive form with single signer.

Hi, in this video, we will take a look at the use case of a person filling and signing the form. So to demonstrate that use case I’ve created a simple - change of beneficiary form, and let’s take a look at its properties. This form is configured to use the Adobe ROX configuration container. If you remember, this is the same configuration container that we created in the earlier videos, and our cloud services - configuration is residing in this Adobe ROX configuration container. The next thing we did - was to associate our form to generate a default document of record. A document of record is - nothing but a PDF of the data that is captured in that active form. And this PDF is then - presented to the user to sign. So now that our form is configured, let’s take a look at - the actual form itself. So this is my form. There’s a roof panel here, which has some child panels. There’s an introduction panel, which talks about the - introduction of the form. Then there’s a information to capture about the user filling out this form. Then there’s a beneficiaries - tab which allows you to capture the information - about the beneficiaries. And then there are these two - tabs called sign document and summary step tabs. These are empty for now, there are no components added to it. So, let’s go ahead and add some components to these two tabs. The first thing we need to do - is to add a signature step. A signature step is used - to present the document to the user for signing. And that signature step is typically shown once all the information - is captured in the form. That’s why you will typically present it after all the information is captured here in these three tabs, and the next step is going - to be the signed document. And to add a signature step here, you click on the plus and - add a signature step here. This is a signature step. So you can configure the - signature step by clicking on this and changing the template message - and the title if you want, but most of the times the - customers typically leave the same template message. And then the next step is the - summary step component here. So here, we’re going to - add another component called a summary step component in the summary step child panel here. So this is our child panel, and we’re going to add a summary step.
A summary step shows you - the summary of the document that the user that has just signed, it also contains a link for the user to download the signed document, right? So this is our form. Now there’s a signed document tab here, which contains the signature step, and there’s a summary step tab, which contains the summary step component. So now that our form has - the appropriate component, the next thing to do is to - configure the form container, to use Adobe Sign. So to do that, I open the form containers - configuration properties, scroll to the electronic signature here, make sure your Enable - Adobe Sign is configured and it is using our cloud - services configuration, and sequentially, there’s - only one sign up in our form, so this is the signer one that - one that is added by default, so let’s configure that. So, here there is an option. Is this the signer and the - person filling the form the same? You select yes. So, whenever you are signing the form, we need to have an email address of the person signing the form. And that email address can be provided by one of these three options here. So in my case, I’m going to say, use the email address - of the logged in user. And there is no signer - authentication method here, we’re not going to associate, and we’re not going to associate - any signature fields here. So, that’s it, you save your changes. The next thing we need - to do is every form needs to be associated with the - appropriate submit action. So in my case, I have used the - forms portal submit action, that’s the default submit - action you can associate here, leave that here. The next thing we did was to customize our document of record. Remember our form was configured to use or generate a document of record, and to customize the document - of record generation, we can do it from this setting here. Let me refresh this, and go to the document of - record option here and here, I have customized the document of record by adding my own logo here, I’ve changed the form title, I’ve added the header text. You can change the disclaimer - label or the disclaimer text, and you can change the font family and some additional properties - are available for you here by which you can customize - the document of record. You can also do a preview - to see how your document of record is going to - look like at runtime. So this is how it’s going - to look like, right? So now that our form is - configured appropriately, let’s fill out the form - and sign using AEM Forms. So here is the form, I’m going to preview in HTML.
That’s the introductions, you go to the next step, which has the information about the user. Then there has these beneficiaries, If I want, I can add - another beneficiary here, change the name here, Conrad Simms, and the relation can be child and the percentage is 10. Now I go to the next step - to sign the document here, I can go from here, I can click on the next button here. So remember, once all the - information is captured, we have to go to the - signature document step here and here it is generating - the document of record by merging the data from that active form with the default template. And that document of record - or the PDF will be presented in this signature step - component for the user to sign. So give it a couple of more seconds, that document will be - presented here for signature.
So this is our document of record that has been generated with the data from the adaptive forms, so there is this information, there’s this logo here, there’s the title of the form, there’s the introduction section, there’s your information section and there’s a beneficiaries which is represented in a tabular format, and there is this place where I can sign. So here, if I sign, I’m going to sign here - and clicks here to sign. So once the document is signed, I am automatically taken - to the summary step, which is the next step in my form. And that step has the information and the link to download my signed PDF. So I can click on this link - to download a signed document. Yeah, this is my signed document here. That’s the signature - there with the information that was captured in the form. So this is how you would configure a form where there’s a use case for - the person filling the form to sign the same form. -

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Next steps

Configure Adaptive Form for two signers
