Fetch the JSON of the Form

Login to your AEM Forms author instance and create a new adaptive using the Blank with Core Components template. Publish your form to your publish instance.

To embed the form, we first fetch the json of the adaptive form by making a get call against our publish server.

The following code snippet fetches the json of the adaptive form called contactus

const getForm = async () => {

        const resp = await fetch('/adobe/forms/af/L2NvbnRlbnQvZm9ybXMvYWYvZmlyc3RoZWFkbGVzcw==');
        // Get the form id manually using the listform api
        let formJSON = await resp.json();
        console.log("The contact form json is "+formJSON);

The complete code of the Contact function component is given below

import Form from './components/Form';
import PlainText from './components/plainText';
import TextField from './components/TextField';
import Button from './components/Button';
import Panel from './components/Panel';
import { useState,useEffect } from "react";
import { AdaptiveForm } from "@aemforms/af-react-renderer";

export default function Contact(){
   const [selectedForm, setForm] = useState("");
   const extendMappings = {
        'plain-text' : PlainText,
        'text-input' : TextField,
        'button' : Button,
        'form': Form
    const getForm = async () => {

        const resp = await fetch('/adobe/forms/af/dor/L2NvbnRlbnQvZm9ybXMvYWYvcmlzaGk=');
        let formJSON = await resp.json();

      useEffect( ()=>{


            <h1>Get in touch with us!!!!</h1>
            <AdaptiveForm mappings={extendMappings} formJson={selectedForm} />


The above code uses native html components which are mapped to the components used in the adaptive form. For example we are mapping the text-input adaptive form component to TextField component. The native components used in the article can be downloaded from here

Next Steps

Select a form from drop-down list
