Certifying Document in AEM Forms

A Certified Document provides PDF document and forms recipients with added assurances of its authenticity and integrity.

To certify a document, you can use Acrobat DC on the desktop or AEM Forms Document Services as part of an automated process on a server.

This article provides you sample OSGI bundle to certify pdf documents using AEM Forms Document Services.The code used in the sample is available here

To certify documents using AEM Forms, the following steps need to be followed

Adding certificate to trust store adding-certificate-to-trust-store

Please follow the steps mentioned below to add the certificate to keystore in AEM

  • Initialize global trust store
  • Search for fd-service user
  • You will have to scroll the results page to load all the users to find the fd-service user
  • Double click the fd-service user to open the user settings window
  • Click on “Add Private Key from the keystore file”.Specify the alias and password specific to your certificate
  • Save your changes

Creating OSGI Service

You can write your own OSGi bundle and use the AEM Forms Client SDK to implement a service to certify PDF documents. The following links would be useful to write your own OSGi bundle

Or you can use the sample bundle included as part of this tutorial assets.

The sample bundle uses alias called “ares” to certify the documents. So please make sure your alias is called “ares” when using this bundle

Testing the sample on your local system
