Including third party bundles in your AEM project
- Topics:
- Adaptive Forms
- Beginner
- Developer
In this article we will walk through the steps involved in including 3rd party OSGi bundle in your AEM project.For the purpose of this article we are going to include the jsch-0.1.55.jar in our AEM project. IF the OSGi is available in maven repository include bundle’s dependency in the project’s POM.xml file.
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If your OSGi bundle is on your file system, create a folder called localjar under the base directory of your project(C:\aemformsbundles\AEMFormsProcessStep\localjar) the dependency will look something like this
Create the folder structure
We are adding this bundle to our AEM project AEMFormsProcessStep which is residing in the c:\aemformsbundles folder
Open the filter.xml from the C:\aemformsbundles\AEMFormsProcessStep\all\src\main\content\META-INF\vault folder of your project
Make a note of the root attribute of the filter element. -
Create the following folder structure C:\aemformsbundles\AEMFormsProcessStep\all\src\main\content\jcr_root\apps\AEMFormsProcessStep-vendor-packages\application\install
The apps/AEMFormsProcessStep-vendor-packages is the root attribute value in the filter.xml
Update the dependencies section of the project’s POM.xml
Open command prompt. Navigate to your project’s folder(c:\aemformsbundles\AEMFormsProcessStep) in my case. Execute the following command
mvn clean install -PautoInstallSinglePackage
If everything goes well, the package is installed along with the third-party bundle into your AEM instance. You can check for the bundle using felix web console. The third-party bundle is available in the /apps folder of the crx
repository as shown below