Opening Agent UI On POST Submission
In this part, we will launch the agent ui interface for creating ad-hoc correspondence on form submission.
This article will walk you through the steps involved in opening agent ui interface on submitting a form. Typical use case is for customer service agent to fill in a form with some input parameters and on form submission agent ui is opened with data prepopulated from form data model prefill service.The input parameters to the form data model prefill service are extracted from the form submission.
The following video shows use case
String accountNumber = request.getParameter("accountnumber"))
ParameterMap parameterMap = new ParameterMap();
RequestParameter icLetterId[] = new RequestParameter[1];
icLetterId[0] = new FormFieldRequestParameter("/content/dam/formsanddocuments/retirementstatementprint");
parameterMap.put("documentId", icLetterId);
RequestParameter Random[] = new RequestParameter[1];
Random[0] = new FormFieldRequestParameter("209457");
parameterMap.put("Random", Random);
Map map = new HashMap();
CustomParameterRequest wrapperRequest = new CustomParameterRequest(slingRequest,parameterMap,"GET");
wrapperRequest.getRequestDispatcher("/aem/forms/createcorrespondence.html").include(wrapperRequest, response);
Line 1 : Get the accountnumber from the requestparameter
Line 2-8: Create parameter map and set appropriate keys and values to reflect the documentId,Random.
Line 9-10: Create another Map object to hold the input parameter defined in the Form Data Model.
Line 11: Set the slingRequest attribute “paramMap”
Line 12-13: Forward the request to the servlet
To test this capability on your server
- Import and install the assets related to this article using package manager.
- Login to configMgr
- Search for Adobe Granite CSRF Filter
- Add /content/getprintchannel in the Excluded Paths
- Save your changes.
- Open POST.jsp. Make sure the string passed to FormFieldRequestParameter is valid documentId.(Line 19).
- Open the webpage and enter accountnumber and submit the form.
- Agent UI interface should open with the data pre-populated specific to the accountnumber entered in the form.