Organize pages
Delivering the best customer experiences requires content to be created faster than ever before. Learn how to rearrange pages just the way you like—all in a matter of seconds. Insert, replace, split, reorder, rotate, and even extract discontinuous pages to create a professional-looking PDF. This video tutorial uses the new workspace experience.
Learn about how to add a new custom page while organizing pages.
In this video, we’re going to talk about organizing pages within a pdf, and you can see that all the pages are here.
Notice also that when I hover over an existing page we get a little heads up display that allows us to rotate the page counterclockwise. Of course, clockwise. We can trash the page. If we click on the three buttons here at the bottom, we can choose from other functions. We can insert from a webpage, a blank page, a scanner, add a custom page, and we can cut and we can copy.
Also notice over in the left hand column here, we have page options. We have those same icons at the top. We also have some of the same functions in this little pop-up menu. Notice we also have something called split, which means we can split the document into multiple pages.
We can add what’s called bates numbering. We can set the page boxes, page transitions from each page to the next page. So if you wanted to have a fade in or fade out, or some other kind of visual effect, that’s what that does. There’s a link here for templates that exist. We can print and we can change the style of the numbering. So for example, you’ll notice down here we can choose 1, 2, 3 standard numbering. We can also choose lowercase, Roman numerals, uppercase Roman numerals, and so on. So we’ll cancel that. And then the last thing is page properties. And this sets a tab order. So if you’re tabbing through content, you can use either row order, column order, the existing structure, or unspecified. Okay. And the last little button here is for actions. When a page opens or on a different kind of trigger, like a page close, we can then execute a different kind of action here.
Note also that we can apply functions to multiple pages and the pages need not be contiguous. So in order to do something to discontinuous pages all I do is I hold down on the Mac, the command key, which would be control on Windows. So I can now do something on pages one and four. Let’s choose another one, 18, and let’s choose 23. So if for example, I wanted to rotate all those pages, we could simply do that.
And here under pages selected, you’ll notice there’s a readout. It says pages 1, 4, 18, and 23. If for example, we wanted to extract these pages from the PDF to make a new document, we could do that as well. You’ll notice we have a couple of check boxes. We can delete the pages after extracting or we can extract the pages as separate files. So I’m not going to choose either one of those. I’m just going to leave the pages where they are, but I want to extract them into their own document. So to do that, all I do is I click extract. And you’ll notice in the tab setting here it now says pages from and the name of the document. And if we go down below here you’ll see that we have now those four pages. For now, let’s go back to our existing document. I’m going to close that out. To move something, all you have to do is just drag and drop it.
Very easy. Notice that the page number will update. And let’s say here that we want to replace this page with something else. So I can click on select the page, first click on replace, we get a dialogue box here. I’m just going to select this pdf.
So here I’m going to replace page two from the existing document with page one from the previous document. Most of these things are pretty self-explanatory and pretty easy to use. But the new feature is the ability to work on discontinuous pages at the same time and change them almost like a group. -