New workspace experience

Learn about the new workspace experience that you can activate in Acrobat, allowing you to seamlessly move between tools and files.

Welcome to the new Adobe Acrobat. In this video, we’ll take a quick tour of the improved interface to Acrobat version, which adds a few new features, but primarily is about making navigation easier with less digging for menus and commands. Now, if you’re thinking this looks like the old Acrobat, well, you’d be right. But to change this, I’m going to go to the View menu here and enable new Acrobat. So when I do that, I get this window Acrobat telling us that it has to restart. So we’ll click the restart button and now it’s relaunch itself and we’re back. And now we’re in the new interface. The first thing you’ll notice are the tabs. You’ll see a home tab up here. In the home view, we can quickly navigate from a list of common functions that are listed in this column. And by the way, if you’re on Windows, you’re also going to see a little hamburger menu. You click on the hamburger menu, you’re going to get access to things like properties and preferences, plug in information, and on and on. Now, though, we’re in the recent in see this highlighted and down below we have a list of documents that I’ve worked with recently. Also over to the right are two buttons which changed my list view. So I’m currently in list view, but I can also click on thumbnail view if you’d prefer to work that way. For now, I’m going to choose this Discovery Day’s book and open it up, so I’ll double click on it. And here we are. Currently we’re in the Discover panel, which is indicated by a small Compass logo at the far left of the group of menu commands called the File Open Bar. This section is part of a larger unified menu bar that stretches across my screen and is known as the Global Bar below the Discover title. We get a list of recommended tools that could be useful. At the bottom of the list is a button to reveal additional tools. If I click on the View, all Tools button were seamlessly taken to a familiar tool screen that’s better integrated than before. For now, I’ll click on the tab to close the screen. Up here we have what’s called the Quick Action Toolbar. The Quick Action toolbar has tools that can be customized and replaced. Also notice that each tool has a little triangle in the lower right corner, which of course indicates that there are other tools hidden underneath that can be exposed just by clicking on them like that. And if we want to customize, we click on the Ellipsis the three buttons here and click the customize button. Now, getting back to the global bar at the right, we have a few things that are worth noting. We have a search field, and this search field allows us to search, not only for text in the document, but for tools as well. So, for example, if I was looking to redact the document in some way and I didn’t know where to find redact, I only have to do is type it in and I get this list. Related words and tools and all I have to do is click here, redact PDF. There you go. Now we’re in redact also to the right of the search field are six little icons that allow us to save the document to the computer, save it to the Adobe Cloud and the document, Share the document in a link to the document that you can send to somebody else. And also email the document. Now, beneath the email icon, we have a panel on my right, which is known as the navigation panel, which if you’re a little confused. Yes, it used to be on the left hand side. Now it’s on the right. And here we have icons for comments, bookmarks, for example. And here is the pages panel. And now in the pages panel, we have thumbnails. If I hover over the thumbnail, I get a little pop up menu which allows me to rotate the page or delete the page. And also you’ll notice in between each page is a blue plus sign. And when you click on that, that simply adds a blank page to the overall document. Further down on the right, we’ve got indicators of the page that we’re currently on, the number of pages in the document. We’ve got up and down arrows which allow us to move forward in the document. And then again we have a rotate icon, we have a magnification icon and plus and minus for zooming in and zooming out.