Edit a photo in your PDF

In this 60-second video tutorial, learn to make advanced edits to a photo in your PDF using Photoshop! From the Edit PDF tool to Photoshop, and then back again, the process is seamless and lets you get your work done quickly and easily.

When you’re editing a PDF inside of Acrobat you’ll be able to make use of other applications to edit your photos. So here I have a draft of a client’s newsletter and on the last page we’re featuring a customer-submitted photo, which looks a little bit muted. So I’ll enable editing this, using the edit PDF tool, select the photo, and then right click and choose edit using Photoshop. Acrobat will then extract all of the photo data and send it over to Photoshop. Now I will get a message inside of Photoshop that lets me know that any special features that I use, like smart objects or layers, will be flattened when I’m done. And that’s okay. So now inside of Photoshop I’m going to run the camera raw filter and make a few adjustments like increasing the temperature. I’ll reduce the highlights and blacks a little bit, increase the shadows, vibrance, saturation. Then in the curves, I’ll switch over to the blue channel and just reduce this a little bit. And then when I’m done, I’ll close and save the file and Acrobat will be able to pick up those changes and update my original PDF file. And that was 60 Second Acrobat. -