Adobe Experience Cloud Release Notes - April 2022


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Latest update: May 11, 2022

Need help? Visit Experience League for product and technical documentation, Adobe-curated courses, video tutorials, quick answers, community insight, and instructor-led training.

Icon Experience League events events

Experience League events are a great place to learn, interact, and get answers from product experts at Adobe!

Updated May 11, 2022

Push notifications with Journey Optimizer - How to easily configure your mobile app for push
Experience League LIVE
Learn about the common use cases for push notification with Adobe Journey Optimizer and dive into the technical details on how to configure an app for Push powered by Adobe Experience Platform.
Date: May 12, 2022 @ 9:30 a.m. PDT
Schedule & past events
Adobe Target Community
Q&A Coffee Break
Join Brent Kostak and Drew Burns of the Adobe Target product team who will answer your Adobe Target questions about shared audiences, Real-Time CDP, first-party data, end-to-end personalization workflows, and more.
Watch the recent Real-Time Personalization webinar and bring your follow-up Questions to the experts on the Coffee Break thread in the Adobe Target Community!
Date: May 25, 2022 @ 8 a.m. PDT
Details and registration
Adobe Developers Live: Commerce
On-demand videos
Adobe Developers Live: Commerce 2022 brings together developers and experience builders with diverse backgrounds and a singular purpose - to create incredible end-to-end experiences. This one-day virtual conference features important Commerce and Open Source Developer updates, technical sessions, community networking opportunities and more.
Adobe Summit 2022
On-demand sessions
Learn from Adobe executives, Ryan Reynolds, Rosalind Brewer, CEO, Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc, John Donahoe, CEO, NIKE, Inc., and Gail J. McGovern, CEO, American Red Cross as they share how customer experiences are the currency of our digital economy.
Explore on-demand sessions from Adobe Summit 2022.

Icon Adobe System Status status

Adobe System Status provides detailed information, status updates, and email notifications about Adobe products and services outage, disruption, and maintenance events. Check it out at

For the latest release information, see Adobe System Status release notes.

Icon Experience Cloud - central interface components & administration ecloud

Experience Cloud central UI components include features available on the home page and the persistent product header. These features include user profile settings, preferences, and search. You can also find help on user and product management, Customer Attributes, and Experience Cloud Audiences.

Natural language search
Get instant answers to all your help questions, through one single interface via Unified Search. This feature is always available to you on every page of Experience Platform and Journey Optimizer.

More help resources on Experience Cloud Central UI Components & Administration

Icon Adobe Experience Platform platform

Latest release information and new documentation for Experience Platform and Mobile SDK:

Release date: April 27, 2022

New Experience Platform tutorials and courses tutorials-platform

New video tutorials, articles, and courses published for Experience Platform.

April 2022
Getting started with Privacy Service in Adobe Experience Platform
Learn the essentials of Adobe Experience Platform Privacy Service, including how to prepare your data for privacy operations and sending customer privacy requests to the service.
April 2022
Adobe Experience Platform Edge Network Server API
Learn about the benefits of sending data to Platform Edge Network using a secure, authenticated server API.
April 2022
Audit logs
Learn about how the audit logs feature can help you meet your compliance requirements and troubleshoot your Adobe Experience Platform implementation.
April 2022
Data Prep for Data Collection
Learn how to add your data layer to a new datastream in Data Collection. Also, learn how to perform basic mapping functions using the Data Prep for Data Collection feature.
April 2022
Consider moving client-side vendor tags to event forwarding
Learn how to evaluate a client-side vendor tag for potentially moving it to an event forwarding property.

Adobe Mobile SDK

See Release notes and change logs for the Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDKs.

Icon Adobe Analytics analytics

Release date: April 20, 2022

AppMeasurement appm

Release version: 2.22.4

New Analytics tutorials and courses tutorials-analytics

New video tutorials, articles, and courses published for Adobe Analytics.

April 2022
Filter your data with custom segmentation and dates
Learn how to apply segments, create custom segments, and use date ranges to work smarter in your analysis.
April 2022
Configure and administer report suites in Adobe Analytics
Learn how to set up general report suite configuration items, configure traffic and conversion variables, set up marketing channels, and more.
April 2022
Tell impactful stories with data
Data storytelling is where art and science come together using data, visualization, and narrative. By effectively telling a story with data, Adobe Analytics can become more approachable to a wider audience, and you can increase the value you bring to your organization through data-driven decision making.
April 2022
Gain a seat at the table
Learn about your role as an Analytics Administrator and get tips on how to gain the expertise that helps you get a seat at the decision-making table in your business.
April 2022
Translate Adobe Analytics technical language in a non-technical way
As your organization’s Adobe Analytics expert, you are key to helping your stakeholders understand the technical details and make the most out of your Adobe Analytics investment.
April 2022
Quick segments in Analysis Workspace
Quick segments is a simplified segmentation experience directly in the Workspace canvas. Learn how to build on-the-fly segments with up to three rules without having to leave your analysis workflow.
April 2022
Annotations in Analysis Workspace
Learn how to annotate a date or date range with known data issues, public holidays, and campaign launches to better inform users why they are seeing what they see in line charts, tables, and more.
April 2022
Work cross-functionally
Learn from an Adobe Analytics champion about working cross-functionally in your organization.

Icon Customer Journey Analytics cja

Release date: April 20, 2022

Icon Streaming Media Analytics sma

Release date: April 20, 2022

New Customer Journey Analytics tutorials and courses tutorials-cja

New video tutorials, articles, and courses published for Customer Journey Analytics.

April 2022
Overview of configuring Data Views for Customer Journey Analytics
Learn about configuring Data Views for Customer Journey Analytics. Data Views are similar to Virtual Report Suites in Adobe Analytics. They allow you to configure the incoming data so that it can be most useful for your reporting and analysis.
April 2022
Connections Details Experience in CJA
Learn how to check the status of your connection’s datasets and of the ingestion process.

Icon Audience Manager aam

Fixes and improvements in Audience Manager:

Validator for target data sources belonging to other companies

Audience Manager released an improvement to the batch data onboarding process. To prevent accidental file and data onboarding into target data sources owned by other partners, Audience Manager has added a mapping requirement between partner ID (PID) and the data sources (DPID) owned by other partners.

For self-help resources, see Audience Manager documentation and tutorials on Experience League.

Icon Adobe Experience Manager aem

Adobe recommends visiting the Experience Manager release updates and roadmaps page to stay current on release information.

Experience Manager product releases

  • Experience Manager as a Cloud Service

    Watch the March 2022 Release Overview video for a summary of the features added in the 2022.3.0 (March 2022) release.

  • Experience Manager Assets as a Cloud Service

    New features in Assets

    • Experience Manager Dynamic Media now provides the flexibility to configure one alias account in the user interface, thus ensuring out-of-the-box Dynamic Media URLs and Viewer Embed code are updated. This update positively impacts SEO to reflect updates made to your business context, such as rebranding.

    • You can now use the Experience Manager Assets user interface to:

    • The administrators can now configure email service for large downloads. It allows the users to enable email notifications for large downloads from the Experience Manager Assets interface. The user receives an email notification containing the download link of the archived zip folder upon completion of the download process.

    • The Manage Publication feature is enhanced with an improved user interface. A user can publish or unpublish content to and from the selected destination, or Add Content to the publishing list from across the DAM repository. They can Include Folder Settings to publish content of the selected folders and apply filters, and schedule publishing to a later date or time.

      New features in Experience Manager Assets prerelease channel

    • You can sort tags while creating smart tags and when applying search filters using the tags predicate.

  • Experience Manager Forms as a Cloud Service

    New in Forms

    • Communications - Document Generation APIsDocument Generation APIs help to combine, rearrange, and validate PDF documents. The service lets you generate documents in synchronous mode. The APIs lets you create applications to do the following:

      • Assemble PDF documents
      • Disassemble PDF documents
      • Convert to and validate PDF/A-compliant documents.
    • Automatically convert PDF Forms more than 15 pages to adaptive forms — You can now use automated forms conversion service to convert PDF Forms with up to 40 pages to adaptive forms. The service now provides the option to convert sections of forms more than 15 pages to adaptive form fragments. It helps improve rendering speed of converted forms and makes it easier to load large forms in the adaptive form editor.

    New in Forms prerelease channel

    • Use custom XCI for generating a Document of Record — You can now use a custom XCI file to set various properties of a Document of Record. It overrides the primary XCI with the custom changes.
    • Use invisible CAPTCHA in an adaptive form — You can use the invisible CAPTCHA to show the CAPTCHA challenge only if suspicious activity is found. If no suspicious activity is found, the CAPTCHA challenge is not displayed.
  • CIF add-on

    New features

    • Beta - Experience Manager CIF Search Core Component support Commerce LiveSearch.
    • Improved SEO for multi-store scenarios - URL formats for PDP / PLP can now be configured on a store level via the CIF Cloud Config properties.
    • Product picker supports staged products by way of the new filter option in the user interface. This ability lets content practitioners prepare product content management for upcoming product launches.
    • Simplified CIF configuration management and error handling by using CIF Cloud Config name instead of config proxy URL.
    • Manual category selection for Product list and Carousel components. This ability lets content practitioners use these components on content pages, outside of the catalog experience.
  • Experience Manager as a Cloud Service Foundation

    New features

    • For more efficient and effective troubleshooting of custom features in Cloud environments, Adobe has released a new developer tool: the Repository Browser. It is a lightweight, read-only, HTML browser that you can launch from the Developer Console. Get visibility into the content repository on the publisher, author, and preview tiers, and in all environments, including production, stage, and dev. Browse the content structure, view properties, and preview and download binaries.
    • The credentials used to authenticate server-to-server API calls (for example, for GraphQL API requests) can now be refreshed before expiration in a self-serve way from the Developer Console. See the documentation for more info.
    • Version purge and audit log purge maintenance tasks, which had not previously been enabled, are now enabled for new environments. See the associated values in the Maintenance Task article.
    • Experience Manager as a Cloud Service SDK Dispatcher Tools now support Mac computers with the M1 chip.
  • Cloud Manager

    Release date

    The release date for Cloud Manager in Experience Manager as a Cloud Service 2022.02.0 was 10 February 2022.
    The next release is planned for 10 March 2022.

    New features

    • New accelerated Web Tier Config pipelines have been introduced to exclusively deploy HTTPD/dispatcher configuration.

    • The Cloud Manager landing page experience has been refreshed to deliver improved navigation, easy switching between grid/tile views, and pop-overs for quick program summary.

    • A new failing threshold (< D) has been added to the reliability rating metric.

      • Customers with severe quality issues that impact system stability, primarily related to invalid indexes and workflow processes, cannot deploy until those issues are resolved.
    • The severity of the BannedPath quality rule has been changed from blocker to critical.

    • The pipeline wizard informs the user when an Experience Manager environment update may be needed before configuring a Web Tier Config pipeline associated with it.


  • Upcoming Experience Manager GEMs Webinar

    • Topic: Integrate AEM & CIF framework to build a rich and immersive e-commerce experience

      • Date: Wednesday, April 27, 2022
      • Time: 8:00 a.m. PDT / 5:00 p.m. CET / 8:30 p.m. IST
      • Register here
    • Adobe Summit 2022 | Complete session list and recordings are available here.

New Experience Manager courses and tutorials tutorials-aem

New videos, tutorials, and courses published over the past month.

April 2022
Document generation using the communication API
Merge data with xdp template by invoking the HTTP endpoints of Forms CS.
AEM Forms
April 2022
Assemble PDFs using invoke DDX operation
Repository Browser is a powerful tool that provides visibility into AEM’s underlying data store, allowing for easy debugging of AEM as a Cloud Service environment. Repository Browser supports inspecting all resources and properties of AEM on Production, Stage, and Development, as well as Author, Publish, and Preview services.
April 2022
Implement solution to save and retrieve letter instances
Learn how to implement using the SPI to save and retrieve letter instances of interactive communication.
AEM Forms
April 2022
Create and validate PDF/A documents
Learn how to create and validate PDF/A documents. PDF/A is an ISO-standardized version of the Portable Document Format (PDF) specialized for use in the archiving and long-term preservation of electronic documents.
AEM Forms
April 2022
Integrate AEM Forms with ServiceNow
Create and display incident in ServiceNow using Form Data Model in AEM Forms.
AEM Forms
April 2022
Assets Overview
Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Assets is a digital asset management tool on AEM Platform that allows users to create, manage, and share their digital assets (images, videos, documents, and audio clips) in a web-based repository. This user guide contains videos and tutorials on the many features and capabilities of AEM Assets.
AEM Assets
April 2022
Assets Essentials Permissions Management
Learn how AEM Assets Essentials permission management allows organizations to control access to assets, protect their brand, and ensure compliance.
AEM Assets
April 2022
Metadata Forms in Assets Essentials
Learn how Assets Essentials Metadata Forms can be quickly and easily configured to tailor asset.
AEM Assets
April 2022
Working with rich text in Adobe Experience Manager Headless
Learn how to work with rich text in AEM Headless. The Multi-line text field is a data type of Content Fragments that enables you to create rich text content.
AEM Headless
April 2022
Debugging AEM as a Cloud Service with Repository Browser
Learn about Repository Browser, a powerful tool that provides visibility into AEM’s underlying data store, allowing for easy debugging of AEM as a Cloud Service environment.
April 2022
Dedicated egress IP address
Learn how to set up and use dedicated egress IP address, which allows outbound connections from AEM to originate from a dedicated IP.

Experience Manager release information

All Experience Manager release notes are maintained at the following pages:

Other Help resources for Experience Manager

Icon Experience Manager Guides xml-doc

Experience Manager Guides is an application deployed onto AEM. It is a powerful, enterprise-grade component content management solution (CCMS) which enables native DITA support in Adobe Experience Manager, empowering AEM to handle DITA-based content creation and delivery.

Learn more about XML Documentation for AEM.

Additional resources

Icon Adobe Commerce commerce

See the following links for Adobe Commerce release notes:

New Adobe Commerce resources new-commerce

New documentation and tutorials for Adobe Commerce on Experience League.

April 2022
Upgrade Compatibility Tool Overview
Learn about the Upgrade Compatibility Tool and how it can hel you quickly identify the errors and fixes required to upgrade to a newer version of Adobe Commerce.
April 2022
Using the Upgrade Compatibility Tool on PhpStorm
The Upgrade Compatibility Tool (UCT) is a free tool that analyzes the incompatibilities between your current version and the target upgrade version in just minutes. Adobe provides a PhpStorm plugin to make the tool even easier to use.
April 2022
Live Search Guide
Product documentation
Live Search from Adobe Commerce delivers a lightning fast, super-relevant, and intuitive search experience, and is available for Adobe Commerce at no additional charge.
April 2022
Product Recommendations Guide
Product documentation
This guide is intended for administrators of Adobe Commerce. It includes detailed information about installation and onboarding of Product Recommendations, as well as configuration and management of the services.
April 2022
Site-Wide Analysis Tool
Comprehensive information about the Site-Wide Analysis Tool, including its uses, the installation process, and getting access.

Icon Adobe Target target

Last Updated: March 21, 2022

Icon Adobe Campaign ac

Adobe Campaign provides an intuitive, automated way to deliver one-to-one messages across online and offline marketing channels. You can now anticipate what your clients want using experiences determined by their habits and preferences.

Latest Campaign product releases

Find out more about the latest capabilities, improvements, and fixes in the Campaign v7, Campaign v8 and Campaign Standard release notes.

New Campaign tutorials and courses tutorials-campaign

New video tutorials and courses published for Adobe Campaign.

April 2022
Enhance your email delivery with Experience Manager content
Learn how to connect Adobe Campaign V8 with Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) to allow you to manage email delivery templates, assets, and forms in Experience Manager.
Campaign v8, AEM
April 2022
Audit Trail
Learn how to access the Audit Trail logs and which settings can be configured.
Campaign v8

Campaign help resources

Icon Adobe Journey Optimizer journey-opt

With Journey Optimizer, you can manage scheduled omnichannel campaigns and one-to-one moments for millions of customers from a single application–and the entire journey is optimized with intelligent decisioning and insights.

Latest Journey Optimizer product releases

Find out more about the latest capabilities, improvements, and fixes in the Journey Optimizer Release Notes.

Journey Optimizer tutorials and courses tutorials-ajo

Latest Journey Optimizer tutorials:

April 2022
Mobile Capabilities for Developers
Understand which mobile capabilities Adobe Journey Optimizer offers developers.
April 2022
Assets Essentials Overview
Get an overview over the Assets Essentials features and how it can be used in Adobe Journey Optimizer.
April 2022
Overview over the journey canvas
Understand the features & capabilities of the Journey Canvas.
April 2022
Unified profile and segmentation
Understand how to create a unified profile and then build segments based on profile attributes in order to personalize customer journeys.
April 2022
Mobile capabilities for marketers
Understand which mobile capabilities Adobe Journey Optimizer offers marketers.
April 2022
Create personalized offers
Learn how to create personalized offers in Offer Decisioning. Personalized offers have eligibility rules associated with them to help you show them only to relevant customers.
April 2022
Create tags
Learn how to create tags in Offer Decisioning. Tags are optional building block components of offers. They can be used to organize offers and group them in dynamic collections.
April 2022
Demo of the decision management capabilities
Learn how brands can use the decision management capabilities to define and manage their offers, apply real-time customer data, and deliver the right experiences their customers expect.

More resources for Journey Optimizer

Icon Adobe Journey Orchestration journey-orch

Use Experience Platform to orchestrate a customer’s journey at scale across experience channels, by intelligently anticipating every individual’s needs in real time.

Latest Journey Orchestration product releases

Find out more about the latest capabilities, improvements, and fixes in the Journey Orchestration release notes.

More resources for Journey Orchestration

Icon Adobe Marketo Engage marketo

Marketo Engage is a complete application for lead management and B2B marketers looking to transform customer experiences by engaging across every stage of complex buying journeys.

Core Marketo Engage updates

See Marketo Engage release schedule for the latest release schedule information and release notes.

Icon Adobe Workfront workfront

Adobe Workfront is a unified work management application for sharing ideas, creating content, managing complex processes, and doing their best work.

See the Workfront releases page for a round-up of the latest information for all products.

Icon Adobe Advertising Cloud adcloud

Release notes for Adobe Advertising Cloud.

Last updated: April 22, 2022 for April 23 release

(Microsoft Advertising accounts that are eligible for Customer Match) All users can now create and manage customer match audiences by uploading CSV files with email addresses. The data must be hashed using the SHA-256 algorithm.

The following beta features are available to advertisers who opt in:

  • (Microsoft Advertising accounts) Synchronization, read-only visibility, and reporting (including view-through data) support for your existing native ad campaigns on the Microsoft Audience Network, including Microsoft Audience Ads.
  • (Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising accounts) Ability to import your Google Ads campaigns and campaign structure to Microsoft Advertising from within Advertising Cloud Search.

Contact your Adobe account manager if you’re interested in either beta program.



(Microsoft Advertising campaigns) Support is available for the following bidding strategies:

  • (General availability) Maximize Conversions, Target CPA, and Target Return on Ad Spend: These strategies are now available to everyone. You can add search campaigns with these bidding strategy to hybrid (but not standard) portfolios.
  • (Beta feature) Target Impression Share: If you are participating in the hybrid optimization beta, you can configure campaigns with this strategy, and optionally set a target impression share, a target ad position, and a maximum cost per click. Caution: This option isn’t yet supported in hybrid portfolios and can’t be added to standard portfolios.
  • (Beta feature) Maximize Clicks: If you are participating in the hybrid optimization beta, you can configure campaigns with this strategy, and optionally set a target maximum cost per click. You can include campaigns with this strategy in either standard or hybrid portfolios. To use this strategy in a hybrid portfolio, the portfolio’s objective must include only Adobe properties (metrics), and you must enable uploading of Advertising Cloud Search objectives to Microsoft Ads.

If you aren’t already participating in the hybrid optimization beta and want to join, contact your Adobe account manager.

Advertising Insights
All insights except for Query Cross Matching and Hybrid Portfolio Setup Readiness are now out of beta.

Advertising Insights

(April 11; Google Ads accounts) Advertising Cloud Search has transitioned all API calls from the legacy Google AdWords API to the latest Google Ads API. Moving to the new Google Ads API ensures continuity with existing capabilities and enable access to Google’s latest Ads features.

Some features have not yet been updated to the new API and are temporarily unavailable:

  • Location extensions:

    • Location extensions aren’t visible in the Extensions view. You can’t create an extension.
    • Filters on locations don’t work.
  • Advertising Insights: The Impression Share Lost and Query Cross Matching Beta analyses aren’t available.

We anticipate restoration of location extension capabilities by the end of April. Once we determine when the affected Advertising Insights modules can also be restored, we’ll send an update with the estimated date.

Integration with Adobe Analytics
(April 7) In the data feed that Advertising Cloud sends to Analytics, data for Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising responsive search ads (RSAs) are reclassified with the Ad Type “Responsive Search Ads” when they receive new clicks. Previously, the data was included for the Ad Type “Text Ads.” RSAs in inactive campaigns won’t be reclassified.

For reclassified RSAs, the Responsive Ad Title is now populated with the first headline and the Responsive Ad Description is populated with the first description.

Icon Adobe Document Cloud doc-cloud

New tutorials and courses published for Adobe Document Cloud.

April 2022
Getting started with Adobe Acrobat
Learn why over 5 million organizations around the world turn to Acrobat to create unparalleled digital documents that move business forward. Discover new ways to automate manual document workflows and create engaging experiences.
Adobe Acrobat
April 2022
Advanced tasks in Adobe Acrobat
Take your Acrobat skills to the next level with advanced techniques for editing, working with forms, optimizing, and automating tasks. Learn how to automate manual document workflows, protect sensitive business information, and deliver exceptional experiences with your PDF files.
Adobe Acrobat
April 2022
Modifying a document after sending
Learn how to modify a document that’s already been sent out for signature–like when the wrong document is sent out by mistake.
Adobe Sign
April 2022
Setting up signing order
Learn how to set up the signing order for multiple signers. Send a document in sequence and/or parallel, or to specific groups of individuals.
Adobe Sign
April 2022
Replacing a signer
Learn how to replace a signer–like when the wrong email was used when sending a document for signature.
Adobe Sign
April 2022
Accelerate your sales process
Learn how Adobe Document Services can integrate document experiences throughout this journey to help accelerate sales.
Document Services
April 2022
Automate legal workflows
Learn how to manage and securely execute agreement terms, using pre-defined templates that change based on approved language.
Document Services
April 2022
Modernizing employee onboarding
Learn how to modernize employee onboarding with Adobe Document Services APIs.
Document Services

For Document Cloud help, see:

Icon Adobe Creative Cloud for enterprise creative-cloud

See Creative Cloud for enterprise tutorials for the latest tutorials.

Icon Customer Data Management - Voices voices

Customer Data Management Voices is your destination as a customer data management technical and marketing practice leader and specialist. This collection of tutorials is your one-stop-shop to hear from your peers, get inspired, and learn about developments in MarTech. No registration required, simply click and watch.

Icon Digital Experience Blueprints blueprints

Digital Experience Blueprints are repeatable implementations that let you address strategy and quickly solve established business problems. Each Blueprint provides a series of artifacts that explain the high-value business problem, architectures, implementation steps, technical considerations, and links to the relevant documentation.

