General Account Settings
Field descriptions for a report suite’s General Account Settings in Admin.
Analytics > Admin > Report Suites > Edit Settings > General > General Account Settings
These settings contain editing options for basic report suite functionality, such as name and time zone.
are typically the same page. You can remove default filenames so that these two URLs would both show up as
. If left blank, the following filenames are removed from the URLs: index.htm, index.html, index.cgi, index.asp, default.htm, default.html, default.cgi, default.asp, home.htm, home.html, home.cgi, and home.asp. To disable stripping of filenames altogether, enter a value that is never present in your URLs.Turns IP addresses into non-recognizable strings, essentially removing them from Adobe data stores. When IP Obfuscation is enabled, the original IP addresses are permanently lost.
Note: The IP addresses are obfuscated everywhere in Analytics, including Data Warehouse. However, the IP setting in Target is controlled separately, so this setting has no impact on Target.
If IP obfuscation is enabled, all needed processing including IP filtering/exclusion, bot rules and Geosegmentation lookups are done before the IP address is obfuscated. You don’t need to change anything when you enable IP obfuscation.
- Checking Disabled leaves the IP address in the data.
- Checking Obfuscate IP address changes the IP to two colons followed by a hashed value (e.g.,
). - Checking Remove IP address replaces the IP address with
in the data, after geo-lookup.
Note: This setting might require changes to custom bot rules or IP exclusions.
Note: Data collected using the Web SDK can have IP obfuscation applied at the Edge Network through data stream configuration. If IP obfuscation is applied at the Edge Network, it is already obfuscated when it reaches Analytics. This obfuscation impacts bot rules and geo lookups.