Grant full product admin access for Analytics

System-level admins do not have direct access to products; however, they can give themselves access by adding themselves as a product-level admin.

To give Adobe Analytics access to yourself or to others:

  1. Log in to the Admin Console with your Adobe ID credentials.
  2. Click the Products tab at the top. All products purchased by your organization are on the left. Click Adobe Analytics, then click the New Profile button.
  3. Name this profile ‘Analytics full admin access’, then click Next > Save.
  4. Back on the Product Profiles page, click the newly created profile, then click the Permissions tab.
  5. Click one of the permission line items. If Auto-include is available, enable it. If Auto-include is not available, click Add all. Both options move all permission items to the right column.
  6. Click Save.
    Repeat the above step for all permission categories.
  7. After all permission categories are granted to the profile, go back to the Products page by clicking Product at the top.
  8. Under the Adobe Analytics tile, click Assign Users.
  9. Enter the email address you would like to give full Analytics access to, and assign them the newly created full admin access profile. Click Save.

The user now has full access to Adobe Analytics.

Grant product admin access for Data Collection in Experience Platform

Product admin access for Data Collection in Experience Platform is nearly identical to granting product admin access for Analytics.

  1. Log in to the Adobe Admin Console with your Adobe ID credentials.
  2. Click the Products tab at the top. All products purchased by your organization are on the left. Click Experience Platform Launch, then click New Profile.
  3. Name this profile ‘Data Collection full admin access’, then click Done.
  4. Back on the Product Profiles page, click the newly created profile, then click the Permissions tab.
  5. Click one of the permission line items. If Auto-include is available, enable it. If auto-include is not available, click Add all. Both options move all permission items to the right column.
  6. Click Save. Repeat the above step for all permission categories.
  7. Once all permission categories are granted to the profile, go back to the Overview page by clicking Overview at the top.
  8. Under the Experience Platform Launch tile, click Assign Users.
  9. Enter the email address you would like to give full Analytics access to, and assign them the newly created full admin access profile. Click Save.
  10. The user now has full access to Experience Platform Data Collection.

Grant product admin access for Product Profiles

For information about assigning users as product profile admins, see the “Manage product profile admins” section in the article, Manage product profiles for enterprise users in the Enterprise user guide.

Next steps

Create a Report Suite: Have your Analytics admin log in to the tool and create a report suite for data collection

Create an Analytics tag property: Have your Data Collection admin log in to the tool and create a property to implement on your site

Before any users can be assigned roles in Adobe Analytics, a user must be assigned as a first admin in Experience Cloud. The first admin can then provision users in the organization with other key roles, as described in this article.

A first admin is the starting point in enabling the rest of the organization to use each Experience Cloud solution.

After a contract is signed

  1. The provisioning team at Adobe prepares for the account to be created.

  2. The first admin receives an email with login credentials before the contract’s start date.

Ensuring the first admin’s contact info is given to Adobe and accurate before the contract is signed is highly recommended.
