Hardware De-Allocation Due to Unrealized Traffic

Hardware for new accounts, traffic spikes and traffic increases will be de-allocated if the projected traffic in the client alert does not materialize within 4 weeks of the “Go live date”. If the traffic is still anticipated, a new client alert must be generated as a traffic increase.

Specify a permanent traffic increase

  1. Open the Report Suite Manager by clicking Analytics > Admin > All admin > Report suites.

  2. Select a report suite.

  3. Click Edit Settings > Traffic Management > Permanent Traffic.

  4. In the New Expected Daily Page Views field, specify the total expected daily page views for the new traffic level.

    Make sure to specify the total expected page views, not just the additional page views.

  5. In the Effective Date field, specify the date when you expect the new traffic level to start, then click Submit.

    To schedule a permanent traffic increase, include a phone number in your user contact information so that Adobe can contact you with questions, if needed.
