Disable legacy logins

Learn how to disable legacy logins for Analytics users.

After your users have migrated from the legacy Analytics user management system to the Adobe Admin Console, you can disable their legacy logins. Disabling legacy logins redirects users to the Experience Cloud login if they attempt to use the legacy login.

  1. Open the Migration tool in Analytics > Admin > User ID Migration.

  2. In the User Information section, locate the domain containing the users you want to work with, then click Select Users.

  3. Select the users with legacy logins that you want to disable.

    The users that are eligible will have a status of Migrated under the Migration Status column. You cannot disable a user’s legacy login until they have been migrated.

  4. Click Disable Legacy Login, then click Done.

    Disable Legacy Login indicates which of your users can continue to use their legacy my.omniture.com user name and password.

    You cannot disable legacy logins for a user that is yet to be migrated. Once disabled, the user must use their Experience Cloud ID to login and access Analytics.
