Page Views = Visits = Unique Visitors

This applies especially to the user agent report. As you can see in the screenshot below, the “unknown version” of these browsers has almost the same number of visitors as unique visitors (and almost the same number of page views). This can be isolated in segmentation by building an Include container for Single Page Visits equals Enabled or Hit Depth is less than 2.

Visit number of 1

Bots usually get a new visitor ID every time they execute, thus incurring only one visit ever and all their traffic will consist of a visit number of 1.

Lower monitor resolutions

Modern users have much higher resolution monitors than in years past. Hits with the following resolutions seem to be very popular for bots:

  • 1024 x 768​​
  • 1366 x 768
  • 1600 x 864
  • 800 x 600
  • 1600 x 1200
  • Not Specified
  • 1024 x 667

Country + Time Zone mismatch

You would notice a mismatch between the originating country and the time zone. For example, the location might be the United States but the time zone might me GMT.

Not logged in

The user doesn’t log in at any point in their visit, and their user identification eVars aren’t persisting from previous visits. While some bots can be set up to authenticate, the majority aren’t that smart.

No KPIs in visit

Bots typically don’t add products to a shopping cart or check out. Most of the time they aren’t submitting lead forms or other success events, but some bots do submit simple HTML forms. ​

Specific query string present

Sometimes bots try to bust cache or otherwise break sites by hitting malformed URLs or URLs that don’t exist (like typical LAMP or Wordpress admin pages) or by appending specific query strings.

IP addresses that originate from distributed computing platforms

Web hosting services like Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud can be abused as bot farms. These IP addresses are at a high risk of being bots:

  • Google Cloud: IP address starts with ​35.199 or 35.194​
