Finding Methods

The Finding Methods page identifies how various finding methods reports receive credit for conversion success events on your site. For example, if a search engine refers a visitor to your site who makes a purchase, Finding Methods specify how the search engine receives credit for the referral.

Analytics > Admin > Report Suites > Edit Settings > Conversion > Finding Methods

Finding Methods Descriptions section_8B6278DB75224EAB9F49D89A86274E8A

The finding method you want to modify

Specifies how to apply credit for a referral. Supported allocation options include:

Most Recent (Last): Gives all credit to the last referrer (default).

Original Value: Gives all credit to the first referrer.

Linear: Divides credit among all referrers equally.

Expire After
  • Visit: After a specified period of inactivity; usually about 30 minutes.
  • Page View: As soon as any page on your site opens.
  • Minute: After 1 minute of inactivity.
  • Purchase: At the time of purchase.
  • Product View: When a visitor views a product web page.
  • Cart Open: When a visitor opens a new online shopping cart.
  • Cart Checkout: When a visitor checks out using an online shopping cart.
  • Cart Add: When a visitor adds a product to an online shopping cart.
  • Cart Remove: When a visitor removes a product from an online shopping cart.
  • Cart Open: When a visitor views the contents of an online shopping cart.
All Finding Methods expire when the visit ends. If you choose to Expire After a different event (for example, Cart Checkout), the Finding Method expires when Cart Checkout occurs during the visit. If a Cart Checkout does not occur during the visit, the Finding Method still expires when the visit ends.