Customer-Defined Signals

Parameters prefixed with c_ identify customer-defined variables. See also Supported Attributes for DCS API Calls.

c_browserWidth and c_browserHeightBrowser window width and height.
c_campaignSet by s.campaign.
c_channelSet by
c_clientDateTimeTimestamp formatted as dd/mm/yyy hh:mm:ss W TZ . TZ is in minutes and matches the return of the Date.getTimezoneOffset method.
c_colorDepthSpecified as 16- or 32-bit color.

Specifies connection type. Options include:

  • modem
  • lan


  • AppMeasurement: s.contextData
  • [“category”] = “news”;
  • Signal: c_contextData.category=news
c_cookiesEnabledSpecifies if cookies can be enabled. Options include: yes, no, unknown
c_currencyCodeType of currency used for the transaction.
c_evar#Custom evars
c_eventsSet by
c_hier#Custom hierarchy variables.
c_javaEnabledSpecifies if Java can be enabled. Options include: yes, no, unknown
c_javaScriptVersionVersion of JavaScript supported by a browser.
c_latitudeNumeric latitude
c_linkClickOptions include: custom, download exit
c_linkCustomNameThe custom name (if any) provided for the link.
c_linkDownloadURLThe URL of download links.
c_linkExitURLThe exit link URL.
c_list#Custom list variables.
c_longitudeNumeric longitude.
c_mediaPlayerTypeFor media stream tracking requests. Options include: other, primetime
c_pageNameThe page name (if set).
c_pageURLThe address of the page in the address bar of the browser.
c_productsThe product string (set by s.products).
c_propCustom props.
c_purchaseIDA unique ID for the purchase.
c_referrerThe page prior to the current page.
c_screenResolutionScreen width and height (in pixels).
c_serverWeb server name (set by s.server).
c_stateGeographic region (set by s.state).
c_timezoneTime offset (in hours).
c_transactionIDA unique ID for a transaction.
c_zipPostal code (set by
