Activate profiles and segments to a destination
Learn how to activate audience segments to destinations in Real-Time CDP. Start this workstream in either the destinations or segments interface. For more information, please visit the documentation.
Hey, what’s up everybody. This is Doug. In this video, I want to show you how to activate profiles and segments to a destination in Platform. So this video is meant for you if you are the marketer, you’re the person who is doing day to day segment creation and assigning those to destinations, deciding what data goes out to which partners, those kinds of things, I’m not talking about the admin or the IT person who is actually setting up these destinations with credentials and stuff. That is for another video. But if you’re the marketer, then this is for you and here we go. So there are a couple of paths into this, or a couple of doorways, whatever you want to call it. One is to just simply go to destinations on the left nav and you go to the catalog and you’ve got some different categories here of destinations, advertising, Cloud storage, et cetera. So you can go down through and see which ones are available to you. Now, this is easy to see, because if it says, set up, in the call to action here, it means that they haven’t been set up yet, right? They haven’t been connected yet. You don’t have any destinations that have been connected, but if it says, activate segments, like here for Amazon three, or I have one more and it’s down here on LinkedIn and activate segments there, then those have been connected and you can jump into either one of those and then you can start that process. So if I click on activate segments here, and you can read this, I’ll close it for now, then I have a couple of destinations here, a couple of test destinations you can see, that I could choose from and I’m going to go, okay, this is the one that I need right here. And you can tell that by whatever your data is over here and then you can go next and you’re going to walk through these different steps and there are going to be some common steps between the different destination types, things like selecting the data, selecting the segments that you want to send out and how often and how you’re going to map those to different attributes or those kinds of things. They might vary a little bit between destination types and destination categories, but there will be some commonalities and I will have other videos that walk through different destination categories specifically. This is just a general, here’s what you can expect as you do activate these segments to destinations. But here, maybe notice that one of the first steps is to select the segments. So let me go ahead and cancel now.
And even canceling that actually leaves me in that same destination where I can start over again and go ahead and activate segments. But I could click back to destinations here or up here and start that process over. Now, the other pathway into doing this is right in the segment builder. So after you have built the segment, and I guess it’s in the list of segments, not inside the builder, but once you’ve created a segment and it’s in this list, you can select it, and then from here, you can send it right to a destination. You’ll see here that you’re going to get some information about the segment, and over on the right-hand side it’s going to show you the destinations that this segment has already been mapped to. Now, if it hasn’t been mapped to a destination yet, then you’ll see this, connect a destination down here and you can click on that to go in, or you can click on activate to destination here. Now, if you have already activated it to some destinations, then this call to action isn’t going to be there. You’ll just have to click this activate to destination up here to send an individual segment to a new destination. So we’re going to just click there, but again, you can click either one of those. So let me go ahead and click that. And this will take me into a list of all my activated destinations. So as we saw before, I had a couple of Amazon S3 destinations, and then we saw also that I had LinkedIn destinations available too, so this will give you a list of all of them, and then you can select it from here and then go through the rest of the process. So if I go into that same one I did before, just to show you the difference of taking this route, and I go over to next, then you can see that the segment has already been selected. So it skips that step in this process because yeah, I mean, that’s where I started in this path was with the segment itself. So it just takes me right to scheduling and then I can create that schedule and then go on from there. But again, those are the two ways to start this process of mapping a segment to a destination, is either in the destinations screen and selecting the destination and then the segment, et cetera, or from the segment screen, selecting that segment first and then going in and adding it to a destination. I hope that was helpful. Good luck. -