Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK overview
Learn how Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK powers end-to-end engagement in your mobile applications. Platform Mobile SDK helps you acquire, analyze, engage, and optimize. Highly performant, modular, extensible, and integrated with Data Collection. Data Collection’s sophisticated rules engine, permissions, and publishing workflows help you efficiently implement Adobe Analytics, Campaign, Audience Manager, Target, and third-party solutions in your mobile apps. For more information, please visit the Platform mobile SDK documentation.
Mobile SDKs are part of the Adobe Experience Platform and connect up with a number of Adobe solutions such as Adobe Analytics, Adobe Campaign, Adobe Audience Manager and Adobe Target.
Customers integrate our Mobile SDK to power their end to end engagement. It’s important for our customers to understand how new users were referred into their applications, and to be able to use deep links to control what the user sees when they launch the application. Once you’ve acquired new users, it’s important to continuously engage them. Solutions such as Adobe Campaign can send push notifications to bring users back into the app. And once in the app can surface in-app messages to promote new offers or highlight an important piece of information that may have been overlooked. Solutions such as Adobe target can optimize and personalize user’s app experience. And solutions like Adobe Analytics and Audience Manager can continuously track a user’s behavior and send important metrics back for further data analysis.
When describing the Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDKs there are three key points to remember. The Adobe Experience Platform SDKs have been rebuilt from the ground app. These SDKs are highly performant with minimal presence and our enterprise ready. Number two, the Experience Platform Mobile SDKs are both modular and extensible. Third party vendors and customers can create extensions to integrate the SDK with additional solutions or internal business systems. Number three, the Mobile SDKs have now been integrated with Adobe Launch. This brings a lot of capabilities to the management of the SDKs such as the ability to use Adobe launches rules engine, the ability to control data elements and variables and most importantly, the ability to dynamically update your apps configuration using launches publishing workflows.
By managing the Adobe Experience platform Mobile SDKs and launch, customers can take advantage of Launches sophisticated rules engine. Rules engine allows customers to find specific events or conditions that will trigger resulting actions. This allows for complex if then else type workflows that can combine multiple solutions or extension behaviors.
As mentioned earlier, when using the publishing workflows and Launch, this allows customers to dynamically update their applications with configuration changes without having to rebuild or resubmit their apps. Adobe Launch allows administrators to assign publishing permissions to developers, editors, publishers or anyone else in your organization. The publishing workflow setup with different queues for each environment, which allows customers to phase gate their configuration changes before pushing it live into production.
One of the major challenges facing our customers today is the necessity to include many different SDKs into their application builds to meet their mobile engagement needs. The average consumer app has over 14 different SDKs installed. Having these multiple SDKs is not only increases time for development and QA, but can also require the developers tag certain events in their application multiple times for each solution that they need to send data to.
One of the primary new features of the Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDKs is an event hub that’s driven through the SDK core. This event hub can send data for all lifecycle events not only to Adobe solutions, but also to third party and customer-built solutions. We hope that this extension ecosystem can begin to solve some of the SDK fatigue challenges faced by our customers.
All of the extensions built to work with the Adobe Experience platform Mobile SDKs will be managed in Adobe Launch. Launch provides a great app store-like experience for browsing and installing extensions, and third party vendors and customers can submit new extensions to the launch catalog at no charge. Customers can even remotely disable or turn off deployed extensions for maximum control over in-app functionality.
To help simplify the installation and management of the SDK and surrounding extensions, we’ve worked to integrate the process to utilize dependency managers such as Maven, and CocoaPods. Using these dependency managers will help ensure that customers are always getting the correct version of the SDK, and extensions without having to keep track of a bunch of different GitHub repositories.
Thanks for listening to the overview of the Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDKS, and check us more for other video content on configuring mobile properties and initializing the SDK inside of your mobile app.