
All Experience Cloud customers can use Platform Web SDK. It is not a requirement to license a Platform-based application like Real-Time Customer Data Platform or Journey Optimizer to use Web SDK.

In these lessons, it is assumed that you have an Adobe account and the required permissions to complete the lessons. If not, you must reach out to an Experience Cloud Administrator at your company to obtain access.

  • For Data Collection, you must have:

    • Platforms—permission for Web and, if licensed, Edge

    • Property Rights—permission to Approve, Develop, Edit Property, Manage Environments, Manage Extensions, and Publish,

    • Company Rights—permission to Manage Properties

      For more information concerning tag permissions, see the documentation.

  • For Experience Platform, you must have:

    • Access to the default production, “Prod” sandbox.

    • Access to Manage Schemas and View Schemas under Data Modeling.

    • Access to Manage Identity Namespaces and View Identity Namespaces under Identity Management.

    • Access to Manage Datastreams and View Datastreams under Data Collection.

    • If you are a customer of a Platform-based application and will be completing the Set up Experience Platform lesson, you should also have:

      • Access to a development sandbox.
      • All permission items under Data Management, and Profile Management:

      The required features should be available to all Experience Cloud customers, even if you are not a customer of a Platform-based application like Real-Time CDP.

      For more information on Platform access control, see the documentation.

  • For the optional Adobe Analytics lesson, you must have admin access to Report Suite Settings, Processing Rules, and Analysis Workspace

  • For the optional Adobe Target lesson, you must have Editor or Approver access.

  • For the optional Audience Manager lesson, you must have access to create, read, and write traits, segments, and destinations. For more information, refer to the tutorial on Audience Manager’s Role-Based Access Control.

It is assumed that you are familiar with front-end development languages like HTML and JavaScript. You do not need to be an expert in these languages, but you get more out of this tutorial if you can read and understand code.


  • April 24, 2024: Major updates including addition of Set Variable/Update Variable, split personalization and analytics requests, Journey Optimizer lessons

Load the Luma website

Load the Luma website in a separate browser tab and bookmark it so you can easily load it whenever needed during the tutorial. You do not require any additional access to Luma other than being able to load our hosted, production site.

Luma website

Let’s get started!

Next: Configure an XDM schema

Thank you for investing your time in learning about Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK. If you have questions, want to share general feedback, or have suggestions on future content, please share them on this Experience League Community discussion post

Data Collection