Bring data into Real-Time Customer Profile

Real-Time Customer Profile powers cross channel personalization at scale through each phase of the customer journey. Batch or Streaming data can be enabled for Real-Time Customer Profile by enabling both the schema and corresponding dataset. For detailed product documentation, see add data to Real-Time Customer Profile and configure a dataset for Profile with API.


In this video, we are going to walk you through how to bring data into the Real-Time Customer Profile using Adobe Experience Platform. Data can be ingested into Experience Platform in two ways, using batch or streaming modes. In other videos, we created a schema and a data set for our Luma loyalty program, and then we uploaded data using the batch mode. In this video, we’ll review that schema and data set to make sure that they were set up properly for use with Real-Time Customer Profile, and confirm that the data landed in profile correctly.

Ingesting profile data begins with a schema. Here’s the Luma loyalty member schema that we created in the other video. Our schema needs to be enabled for Real-Time Customer Profile which we can confirm here with the toggle. We also want to confirm that a primary identity is to find for the schema.

In this example, we use the personal email address field as our primary identity as indicated by the fingerprint icon and check box in the field properties menu. The next step is to confirm that our data set is also enabled for Real-Time Customer Profile. Here’s our Luma Loyalty Dataset. Just like with the schema, you need to confirm that the profile toggle is enabled.

From the data set activity screen, I can also see how many records have been ingested into this data set. To confirm that my records made it into profile, I can go to the monitoring link in the left navigation where I can see my data set and confirm that all my records have been ingested into profile. Another way I can confirm that my data has been ingested into profile is to go to profiles in the left navigation and select the browse tab. Here, I can select a Merge policy and an identity namespace and then I can enter an identity value that I know exists for that namespace. For example, if I select the identity namespace email, I enter an email address for one of the records I ingested in my dataset. I can then select the profile ID to view the customer profile and confirm that my customer data has made it into the Real-Time Customer Profile.

So to recap, you need to make sure that both your schema and dataset are enabled for profile in order to ingest customer data into the Real-Time Customer Profile. Then you can look at the monitoring tab or browse profiles to ensure your records are generating customer profiles as expected.

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