Segment Match configuration flow
Once a segment share with a data partner has been connected, you can explore and start sharing data with partners. This video walks you through the process of configuring a Segment Match instance for a data share. For more information, please see the documentation.
Once a partner connection has been set up, you can begin exploring and sharing segment data with your partner. So to get started, we’ll go back to the segment match service and we’ll click in feeds here. Again, all segment match workflows live within the feeds tab. So core to the segment match service is the concept of a feed. And a feed is basically just an organizational mechanism that allows you to bundle the segments you’re interested in sharing with the configurations for how those segments should be shared. So feed management is done in two places. First, you have an overview here of what’s been shared and what’s been received within your org. As you can see, nothing’s currently set up for this particular account. To create a new feed, you’d go over here and click into the create feed workflow. So this stepped workflow has four key steps. The first one is your feed configurations, which we’ll go through in a second. The second is selecting what segments or data you want to share with a partner. Segment match today supports the sharing of segments, in the future we’d like to expand that to other types of data. Once your data’s been selected, you then select who you want to share that information with and then the final step is reviewing and actually publishing your feed. So coming back to the configure step. From here you can either create a new feed or edit an existing feed.
Creating a new feed, there’s three key configurations or areas to fill out. The first is obviously your basic information where you name the feed, you can provide a description here as well. The second is all around governance. So because segment match is built on platform and we’re integrated with the dual framework, we provide a way for customers to select the marketing actions that they don’t want their data used for. This dropdown pulls all the standard marketing actions available within the dual framework. In the future we’d like to port custom marketing actions. This is a multi-select option. So let’s say I’m sharing data for analytics purposes only and I want to explicitly restrict email targeting and onsite advertising.
This selection will apply these labels to the feed and it’ll carry that information over to the partner. So a partner has transparency into the intended use of the data. In the future, we’d like to make these labels enforceable through the dual framework. The final configuration is your identity settings. So one thing to note about segment match is that we only share data where a match exists. This means we’re running overlaps between two partners at the time of the data share and we’re only sharing segment information if a match exists on a particular identifier. This identity setting allows you to dictate what identifiers we use as part of that overlap process. So let’s say I only want information shared if a match exists on a hashed email address or an IDFA and let’s also select hashed phone. So now when the overlap process runs and when all of our reporting runs, we’re only looking at these identifiers and we’re only sharing information if a match exists on one of these identifiers. So with these configurations set, we can go to the next step.
Here we’re selecting from our first party segments and we’re select the segments that we potentially want to share with our partner. So let’s select these top two where we’ve loaded in some data.
So at this step we’re selecting who we actually want to share data with. This is a multi-select option. So you can have a one to many relationship with a feed and your partners. So if we had multiple partners connected, we’d be able to share this feed to more than a single partner. You can also see here there’s an analyze by segment button. We’ll get into this report more in the Pre Share Insights demo video. So make sure to check that out.
Selecting this partner allows us to move to the next step where we review all of our selections, make sure everything looks good, and then we can go through and click finish. Clicking finish will actually share or kick off the process to share this segment membership information with your partner. -