Configure the Azure Blob Destination
Learn how to set up and configure and Azure Blob Storage destination in Real-Time Customer Data Platform (Real-Time CDP). For more information, please visit the documentation.
Hey everybody, this is Doug. In this video, I want to walk through the configuration for the Azure Blob Storage Destination in Real-time Customer Data Platform, or Real-time CDP. Now here we are in the interface, and I can scroll up and down over here to see all the different destination possibilities, and I’m in Destinations, of course. And you can also click on these categories here, and it’ll just kind of move you down, and I’m going to go to Cloud storage, and it just jumps me down right here where we can find the Azure Blob Storage Connection. And then we start off just by clicking activate.
And first we’re going to get this note down here that says, you know, you’re responsible for understanding the limitations and obligations of your data, et cetera, et cetera, so read that and make sure everything is good, and you can also learn more, et cetera, I’m going to go ahead and close that right now. Now if you’ve already made a connection to an Azure Blob account, then it will be here. And you can see that I have, and I’ve got existing account and mine right there. However, if you haven’t done it yet, then you simply click new account, and then select your connection type, and if select the connection string, then you’ll put that connection string right here. And if you’re familiar with Azure, then you might know that connection string can be found under the access in the Azure Portal. Then you would connect to the destination and be able to move on from there. I am going to select my existing account, so I will select that, and then I will move on as well. In both cases, you just click next. Now we’re going to need to give it some connection information over here, so we’re going to go with a name, and I will select Tech Marketing Demos Blob, yeah, that’s good. I’m going to leave out the description, and the folder path will be what the folder path is, and the container is the container, and you should be able to know those as well from the Azure Portal. Next, you’re going to select one or more options here for these marketing actions, and when you do that, that’s where it’s going to bring in the data governance policies. So, if you’ve set up some policies, this is where they can be enforced. As you select this, so that you can stay compliant. And let’s just say I’m going to use my data for email targeting, so I’ll select that. And create the destination.
Once that is created, I can once again, click next, and now I decide what data is going to go out. So, I’ve got a few segments here that I’ve created, and for this example, I’m just going to select this Luma customers with level gold or above, that’s in my loyalty program. You can see these are check boxes, so I can actually select multiple segments here, and it’ll send out a file per segment. But right now, I’m just going to leave the one, and I’ll go up and click next, and now I’m going to create a schedule for how often this should go out.
Now if you’re just going to run a quick test, you want to see the data that’s coming out, you might want to just do the full file one time, take a look at it. But if you’re going to keep it going, you will probably select something like export incremental files. Now, of course what that means is that the first one is going to be everything because you know, you haven’t sent anything out yet, but after that, every day, because I’m going to leave daily here, it will just send the changes. And I’ll go ahead and let it starts on the sixth, and I’ll go through the end of the month. And go ahead and create. And now that is there. And now I’ll click next. And now we can customize the data that’s going out, and so you can see down here at the bottom a little message that says these are recommended attributes to help you get started with your selection, learn more. So these are just suggestions, let me go ahead and close that, and so you don’t have to send these, you don’t have to send any of these, and you can add new fields, you can start over, clear these, et cetera. But I’m going to go ahead and leave these. Now you can change again each one by selecting this icon here, or you can go ahead and leave those. Now I do want the email of course, and I want first and last name, and I do want the membership status, but let’s just say that I know that I want to pull that from somewhere else, I can jump in, and go here to _techmarketingdemos and go to loyalty, level. So you can add fields, you can change them, I’m going to go ahead and save that, and so now I have changed where that data is being pulled from in order to send it out. Next you can decide which of these fields are mandatory, so if you selected, like the email address, then there has to be an email address in the record or the record is not going to be included. Now if the record doesn’t have a first name or a last name, that’s fine, I still want the record to be included, but if it doesn’t have an email address, and that’s what I’m using this for, then there’s no point in me receiving that record, right? So I definitely want the email address to be mandatory, and maybe, I want the loyalty level to be mandatory as well. Then, just hit next again, and now I’m to the point where I can just review this data, and then I can click finish up here. As you can see, not hard at all, just took a few things to configure that. Obviously, the main thing is getting connected at first, so having that connection information available to you as you start to set this up. I hope that was helpful to walk through this, and good luck! -