Update specific profile attributes using upsert

Learn how to update a specific attribute of a profile using the upsert feature of Adobe Experience Platform. Usually, when you ingest a record into Platform with only the specific attribute, it updates the value but also updates the other attributes with null values. Upsert allows you to update just the desired attribute, while allowing the remaining fields to keep their current values.

Hello everyone, today we will be discussing how to update a profile attribute without overwriting the other attributes. Usually every time we try to ingest a record in a dataset, it overwrites the entire previous record which makes it difficult for a user to update some particular attributes. If we try to ingest the record only with the desired attribute, it updates the attribute value but also updates the remaining fields with a null value. What if we want to ingest the record in such a way that it holds the previous value for other attributes and also updates the value for the desired attribute. For that, we have an upsort feature in A8v that enables us to update the selected attribute for a profile. To enable this feature, we need to turn off profiling for the dataset where we are working on. This is the curled request that needs to be sent for the same. After profiling has been disabled, we need to send a new curled request with a new parameter that is isUpsort. Along with adding a new upsort feature, this curled request will enable profiles again for the dataset. Now, let’s try to look at the current attributes for the profile with identity namespace as 1at1.com. Go to profiles and add the required filter. Look for attributes of this profile. Let’s try to update the current age of this user to 100 without changing any other fields. Ingest the record with primary identity and desired attribute value as mentioned in this JSON file. Let’s update this JSON file to the dataset. The status shows success. Now, let’s look for the updated attributes of the user with identity namespace as 1at1.com. As you can see, the age was previously 1 which has now been updated to 100 and no other field has been overwritten. Thus, we were able to update the desired attribute for a specific value. Hope this was helpful. Please contact our support team for any further assistance on this matter. Thank you.