Create a dashboard
Learn how to create a dashboard in Adobe Experience Platform. For more information, see the documentation.
I’ll be walking you through user-defined dashboards. Today, RTCDP has a robust set of out-of-the-box dashboards that gives customers insights into their profiles, segments, and destinations. However, every customer is different, and we’ve seen a mounting need for deeper customization and reporting and insights within the application space. That’s where user-defined dashboards comes in. So, let’s show you how you can do some new custom reporting and insights quickly and easily. So, we’ll jump in by creating a widget. Customers will have access to the same out-of-the-box data model that they have today with the out-of-the-box reports, and they’ll also have the ability to create custom data models with the Data Distiller package and automatically see those tables in this user-defined dashboard’s experience. When they’re coming in to make a selection, they’ll see a series of table stats as well as sample records and attributes before they go and make a selection and start creating a widget. Once they’ve selected a table, they can easily add additional attributes to a widget view and start to see a visualization come together. They’ll be able to add colors, filters, change the mark type or the chart type easily, and they’ll be able to do aggregations as well. As an addition, they’ll also be able to edit the properties of their dashboard, so they’ll be able to rename dashboards, and they’ll be able to rename axes.
After they create a widget, they’ll have that widget in the dashboard space, and they’ll be able to adjust the size and rearrange their widgets as they please.
That’s a quick overview of user-defined dashboards. Thank you.