Troubleshoot: Unable to connect to SFTP source connector

Learn best practices to avoid connection issues with the SFTP source connector. Review specific check points to successfully connect your SFTP server to Adobe Experience Platform. For more information, see the SFTP source connector documentation.

Hello everyone, today we will be discussing all the required steps that a user needs to follow if the SFTP source connector fails to connect with the provided authentication credentials using SSH key. First of all, make sure all the prerequisites are met. Verify with your SFTP provider the type of key that is supported. It must be either SSH1 or SSH2 and the generated key size must be 2048 bits. Second is to authorize AEP IPs on your SFTP provider. Verify the data center where your AEP instance is required. The AEP IP address allow list can be found in the SFTP connector documentation. The region VA7 corresponds to North America, NDL2 corresponds to Europe, AUS5 to Australia and so on. Failing to add your region specific IP addresses to your allow list may lead to errors or non-performance when using sources. Note that SFTP connector only supports an RSA or DSA type open SSH key. Ensure that your key file content starts with the shown format. If the private key file is a PPK format file, use the PuTTY tool to convert from PPK to open SSH format. Check out the SFTP connector documentation and follow the steps given to convert the key to open SSH format. If you are still having problems, there may be an issue with the way the private key generated by PuTTYgen is transformed. Note that AEP requires the private key to be of open SSL format encoded base64. Once the keys are generated, you must save the private key using the PuTTYgen menu. Go to conversions and then export open SSH key. This will generate the private key in open SSH format and only then you can encode it in base64. AEP requires the private key to be base64 encoded. You can either use tools such as or use open SSL by issuing the shown command. Hope this was helpful. Please contact our support team for any further assistance on this matter. Thank you.