Experience Cloud release notes - March 2023


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Product release updates and events

Latest update: April 6, 2023

Icon Experience League events events

Find out what’s happening on Experience League. Events are a great place to learn, interact, and get answers from product experts at Adobe!

Upcoming events
See Experience League Events for a complete schedule of upcoming events and on-demand past events.

Icon Certification certification

Attention all Adobe certification candidates! Adobe is excited to announce the launch of the new Experience Cloud Certification site on Experience League.


The Certification site is your one-stop shop for all Experience Cloud certification-related content, including:

  • Available certifications
  • Certification renewals for Adobe solutions
  • Certification program updates

And more! Head over to Adobe Certification on Experience League and start your certification journey today!

Icon Adobe System Status status

Learn about the latest features and updates in Adobe System Status.


Adobe System Status provides detailed information, status updates, and email notifications about Adobe products and services outages, disruptions, and maintenance events. Check it out at status.adobe.com.

See the latest release notes for Adobe Status.

What’s new

  • Status has added API support that allows you to directly call Adobe’s servers to query and view events like on the status.adobe.com UI. You can use these APIs to integrate into your monitoring system or dashboards to view real-time events from Adobe Status. Events can be filtered based on Product, Product Offering, Region, Environment (where available), Locale, and Event type.
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Feature Description
Adobe Status APIs
  • Adobe Status APIs provide detailed information and real-time updates about Adobe cloud products and services outage, disruption, and maintenance events.
  • The APIs need to be set up in Adobe Developer Console before they can be used. Your organization must have entitlements for at least one Adobe product to access Adobe APIs. A developer console account is required with the correct permissions.
  • Please check out the documentation here and follow the guides for setup.
  • Once the setup is done, you can use the API reference document to view the available APIs and the signatures to call them.

See February 2023 release notes for recent updates.

Icon Experience Cloud interface and administration ecloud

Find updates to the Experience Cloud interface home page, administration (product and user management), user profile settings, preferences, search, and cookies.


Not updated in March.

For help, see the Experience Cloud Interface and Administration Guide (includes Customer Attributes and Audiences).

Icon Experience Platform platform

Find latest release information and new documentation for Experience Platform and Mobile SDK. View new tutorials and Knowledge Base articles on Experience League.


New Experience Platform tutorials and courses

New videos, tutorials, or courses published for Adobe Experience Platform.

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Type Product feature Description Application
March 2023 Ingest data using the Adobe Analytics source connector Updated video Stream, map, and filter data from Adobe Analytics into Adobe Experience Platform’s Real-Time Customer Profile and Experience data lake.

Experience Platform support knowledge base

New articles and updates to existing articles for Experience Platform.

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Published Name Type Description
February 2023 No audience size in Microsoft Bing AEP destination New article Learn why Bing does not show audience size for the AEP segments that are sent to the AEP Bing destination.
February 2023 What is the number of environments (dev, staging, production) that comes with the RTCDP license? New article Learn more about the number of environments and sandboxes that comes with the RTCDP license.
February 2023 Does the Apply transformation option on destination activation normalize (e.g. lower case) before hashing? New article Learn more about general data normalization and the workaround for it.

Mobile SDK

Updated: November 11, 2022 - See Release notes and change logs for the Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDKs.

Icon Analytics analytics

Find the latest release information for Adobe Analytics and AppMeasurement. View new tutorials and courses on Experience League.


Release date: March 8, 2023

AppMeasurement appm

Release version: 2.23.0

New Analytics tutorials and courses tutorials-analytics

New video tutorials, articles, and courses published for Adobe Analytics.

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Published Name Type Description
March 2023 Rich text editor in Analysis Workspace Updated video Learn about the features that allow analysts and marketers to apply editing to text visualizations (or descriptions) in Analysis Workspace: bold, italics, headings, links, and more.

Icon Customer Journey Analytics cja

Find the latest release information for Customer Journey Analytics. View new tutorials and courses on Experience League.


Next release: March 8, 2023

New Customer Journey Analytics tutorials and courses tutorials-cja

New videos, tutorials, or courses published for CJA.

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Published Name Type Description
March 2023 Connect Customer Journey Analytics to Experience Platform data sources Video Customer Journey Analytics uses datasets ingested into Adobe Experience Platform. Before you begin data analysis in Workspace, you need to create a connection.

Icon Adobe Experience Manager aem

Learn about new features, fixes, and updates in Experience Manager. View the latest tutorials and Knowledge Base articles on Experience League.


Experience Manager roadmaps and release videos

Adobe recommends visiting the following resources to stay updated on release information:

Latest Release Overview video

Watch the January 2023 Release Overview video for a summary of the features added in the 2023.01.0 (January 2023) release.

Experience Manager Sites as a Cloud Service

New features

  • The Experience Manager GraphQL content delivery API now supports GraphQL Paging and Sorting, to make fetching and rendering large content sets more efficient. GraphQL pagination improves query response time by returning results in subsets as opposed to all at once. GraphQL sorting lets you put content sets in a desired order, making it easier for a client application to process the content. Query response time is further improved with Hybrid Filtering in the Experience Manager GraphQL engine. Content is now read from JCR in smaller sets that correspond with query filters.

Experience Manager Assets as a Cloud Service

New feature

  • Assets Reports now include the ability for Administrators to generate assets download reports from the Experience Manager Assets as a Cloud Service deployment. This data further empowers Admins to derive insights from key success metrics in order to measure the adoption of Assets within your enterprise and by customers.
  • Experience Manager Assets now supports SAS Token in addition to the Access Key for authentication while connecting to Azure Blob Storage data source for ingesting assets using the Bulk Import tool.
  • Improved management of CMYK images in Asset Compute, letting you generate Smart Crop and Smart Tags for CMYK images.

New feature available in prerelease channel

Experience Manager Forms as a Cloud Service

New features

New features available in prerelease channel

CIF Add-on

New features

  • Authors can dynamically enrich product lists with Experience Fragments (example: place banner between product listings).
  • The list component now supports associated product / category pages to dynamically show related pages.
  • Support for Peregrine 12.5 components was added.
  • Support for client-side price loading in product teaser and carousel was added.

Experience Manager as a Cloud Service Foundation

New features

  • Rapid Development Environment – RDEs lets developers rapidly troubleshoot issues and deploy new features on Experience Manager as a Cloud Service.

    Rapid Development Environments are a new type of Cloud Environment intended as a fast, consistent, and extensible way of validating that code working locally also functions as expected in the Cloud. Using command-line tools, quickly “sync” content packages, bundles, content files, OSGI configuration, or Dispatcher configuration to the RDE.

    After successfully validating code in RDE, you are encouraged to deploy it to a Cloud Development environment. In the environment, you can exercise the Cloud Manager quality gates before deploying by way of a production pipeline to stage and production environments.

    Each program includes one RDE and optionally, more can be licensed.

    note note
    RDEs are planned for gradual roll-out over the next few weeks. You can send an email to aemcs-rde-support@adobe.com to skip to the front of the line.
  • Extended support for server-side API access tokens – You can now generate multiple credentials, which are useful for scenarios where APIs have different characteristics. It is also now possible to revoke credentials in a self-service manner.

Cloud Manager

New features

  • Users can download custom UI test results from the UI.

  • Rapid Development Environments (RDEs) are a new type of Cloud Environment intended as a fast, consistent, and extensible way to validate that code that works locally also functions as expected in the Cloud.

    • RDEs enable developers to rapidly troubleshoot issues and deploy new features on Experience Manager as a Cloud Service.
    • Using command-line tools, developers can quickly sync content packages, bundles, content files, OSGi configurations, or Dispatcher configurations to RDEs.

API changes

Experience Manager release information

All Experience Manager release information can be found at:

New Experience Manager courses and tutorials tutorials-aem

New videos, tutorials, and courses published over the past month.

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Published Name Type Description Applications
March 2023 Rapid Development Environments Videos Learn about Rapid Development Environment (RDE), how to set up and use it, and understand the development life cycle using RDE. AEM CS
March 2023 Asset Share Commons Asset Kit Video Learn how to use Asset Share Common’s asset kit functionality to generate bespoke, shareable web pages that list assets from AEM Assets folders or collections. AEM Assets

Experience Manager support knowledge base

New article and updates to existing articles for Adobe Experience Manager.

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Published Name Type Description
February 2023 How to allow non-admin users to access Web Console? New article Learn how to allow non-admin users to access Web Console (OSGi Console).
February 2023 How to download assets with cURL? New article Learn how you can download assets with cURL.
February 2023 Error: BUILD_MAVEN_PACKAGE_ERROR in Cloud Manager New article Learn how to resolve the error - Build_Maven_Package_Error in Cloud Manager.
February 2023 Pipeline deployment is failing during the build step New article Find out the solution for the issue where pipeline execution is failing during the build step, due to errors in the ui.frontend code.
February 2023 No support of token refresh for encapsulated token New article Find out the solution for the issue where no support for token refresh for encapsulated token.

Other Help resources for Experience Manager

Icon Adobe Commerce commerce

Get access to release notes, new tutorials, and Knowledge Base articles for Adobe Commerce on Experience League.

note note
Adobe Search&Promote end-of-service occurred September 1, 2022. For product and commerce search, Live Search is Adobe’s search application. See the end-of-life announcement for more information.

New tutorials and documentation for Adobe Commerce tutorials-commerce

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Published Name Type Description
March 2023 Configure Adobe Commerce Video Learn how to configure Adobe Commerce to expose the events.
March 2023 Get started using API Mesh Video Discover how to use API Mesh on Adobe Commerce and Adobe App Builder. Learn about installing Adobe App Builder, working with projects, creating a graphql reverse proxy and much more.
March 2023 I/O events for Adobe Commerce Video (multiple) Learn how to install several new modules in Adobe Commerce using Composer for version 2.4.5, 2.4.6, and more. This sets up the required modules to be used in the Adobe Commerce application.

Commerce support knowledge base

New articles and updates to existing articles for Adobe Commerce.

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Published Name Type Description
February 2023 Quality Patches Tool (QPT) New articles New articles on how to apply patches available in QPT 1.1.26 and QPT 1.1.27 were published and can be found in their respective sections.

Icon Target target

Get access to pre-release notes, current release notes, and new tutorials for Adobe Target.


Icon Campaign ac

Get the latest updates for Adobe Campaign. Find new tutorials, courses, and Knowledge Base support articles on Experience League.


Latest Campaign product releases

Go here for the latest capabilities, improvements, and fixes in Adobe Campaign:

Find out more about the latest capabilities, improvements, and fixes in the Campaign v7, Campaign v8, and Campaign Standard release notes.

New Campaign tutorials and courses tutorials-campaign

New videos, tutorials, or courses published for Adobe Campaign.

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Published Name Type Description Applications
February 2023 Ten best practices for Adobe Campaign success for marketers Article Learn the ten best practices to help Adobe Campaign practitioners unlock and accelerate the digital consumer transformation and a better experience for their customers.


Campaign support knowledge base

New articles and updates to existing articles for Adobe Campaign.

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Published Name Type Description
February 2023 Is TLS 1.3 supported? New article Find out the support status of TLS 1.3.
February 2023 API updates to profiles and services do not show New article Find out the workaround for the issue where APIs are not being updated when publishing custom resource changes to long-text attributes in the recent versions of ACS.

Campaign help resources

Icon Journey Optimizer journey-opt

Learn about the latest release information for Journey Optimizer. View the latest tutorials and Knowledge Base support articles on Experience League.


Latest Journey Optimizer product releases

Find out more about the latest capabilities, improvements, and fixes in the Journey Optimizer Release Notes.

New Journey Optimizer tutorials and courses tutorials-ajo

New videos, tutorials, or courses published for Adobe Journey Optimizer.

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Published Name Type Description
March 2023 Configure a training sandbox Tutorial Learn how to configure a sandbox for training purposes. Go through the steps required to configure the schemas, ingest sample data, and create events.
March 2023 Journey Optimizer challenges Challenges

Challenges provide a scenario and the requirements needed to practice what you learned. Each challenge addresses a unique use case that you implement.

New challenges:

Journey Optimizer support knowledge base

New articles and updates to existing articles for Adobe Journey Optimizer.

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Published Name Type Description
February 2023 Opt-ins not on landing page New article Find out the solution for the issue where opt-ins are not on landing page.
February 2023 Missing dataflow notifications New article Find out the solution for the issue where you are not receiving notifications about data flows.

More resources for Journey Optimizer

Icon Journey Orchestration journey-orch

Access the latest release notes for Journey Orchestration on Experience League.


Latest Journey Orchestration product releases

Find out more about the latest capabilities, improvements, and fixes in the Journey Orchestration release notes.

More resources for Journey Orchestration

Icon Marketo Engage marketo

Find out the latest release notes and release schedule for Marketo Engage.


Core Marketo Engage updates

For the latest product documentation, see the Marketo product documentation home

Icon Workfront workfront

Learn about the latest release notes for Adobe Workfront. Find new tutorials on Experience League.

See the Workfront product releases page for a round-up of the latest information for all products.

Icon Adobe Advertising advertising

Release notes for Adobe Advertising.


New features in Advertising DSP advertising-dsp

Learn about the latest features for Adobe Advertising.

Last updated: April 10, 2023

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Feature Description
Reports (March release) A new Household report shows impressions, reach, and frequency across various dimensions at a household level based on IP address, rather than at a device/cookie level. The report includes nine dimensions: Campaign, Package, Placement, Site/Apps, Media Type, Device, Audience, Creative Length, and user-created Tags.

Last updated: March 27, 2023

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Feature Description
Campaigns (Microsoft Advertising audience campaigns; open beta feature; March 18 release) Audience campaigns can now use the enhanced CPC (eCPC) bid strategy. You can set bids within the child ad group settings.

Audience campaigns with eCPC can be included in portfolios for optimization.
Campaigns, Portfolios (Google Ads accounts; open beta feature) Optimization support is now available for Google Ads performance max campaigns, and you can add them to hybrid portfolios. Bid strategy targets and campaign budgets are set at the campaign level.
Campaigns, Reports

(Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising accounts; March 18 release) The following new prominence metrics are available in campaign management views and reports:

  • Content IS: The number of impressions you received for ads on the display/audience network divided by the estimated number of display ad impressions that you were eligible to receive.

    This and the other “Content*” metrics are available in all campaign management views for entities pertinent to content ads and in the related basic reports: Search Engine, Search Engine Account, Campaign, Ad Group, and Portfolio.

  • Content lost IS (budget): The estimated percentage of impressions that your ads on the display/audience network didn’t receive because your daily or monthly budget was too low.

  • Content lost IS (rank): The estimated percentage of impressions that your ads on the display/audience network weren’t shown because of a poor ad rank.

  • Search exact match IS: The number of impressions you received for searches that exactly matched your keyword divided by the estimated number of exact match impressions that you were eligible to receive.

    This metric is available in all campaign management views for entities pertinent to search ads and in the related basic reports: Search Engine, Search Engine Account, Campaign, Ad Group, Keyword, Product Group, and Portfolio. They’re also in the Constraint, Label Classification, and Label Value reports.

Icon Document Cloud doc-cloud

New tutorials and courses published for Document Cloud, including Document Services and Acrobat Sign.

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Published Name Type Description Application
March 2023 Send documents for notarization Video Learn how to send a document for notarization, view the signer’s experience, and receive the results. Acrobat Sign

For Document Cloud help, see:
