Okay, so let’s install the two packages that you’re going to need in Salesforce for using bizible. The first package here is the base package and this includes the bizible custom objects and fields. So we’re going to go to the app exchange and pull up bizible marketing attribution and analytics package, and get it now. And in this example, we’re installing a production, but in a different lesson we’re going to cover installing this in Sandbox as well. So we recommend installing this package for all users. You also have the option of installing for admins or specific profiles, but here we’re going to install for all users. And I’m speeding up the process a little bit here. Okay, so that’s done. For the second package, you’re going to want to go to
So I’ve got the link here.
Just going to put that into the web browser URL and it’s going to bring up the package. Again, install for all users, and going to speed up the process here. So when that’s finished, you’ve got your two packages confirmed that they’re both installed. You’ll have the multi-touch dashboards and the base package there.
Okay, so now that we’ve got those two packages installed, we’re going to go ahead and configure page layouts. So let’s go to setup and then under the build menu, we’re going to click customize campaigns page layouts. And then here we’re going to click on edit campaign page layout.
And here we’re going to drag and drop a couple of different things. First, we’re going to drag the enable bizible touchpoints field and then we’re going to scroll over, and we’re going to add the touchpoint start date and the touchpoint end date. Obviously you can place these wherever you want on the page layout.
And then we’re going to scroll down here to buttons and we’re going to add the bulk update touchpoint to the custom button field here and save the changes.
So once that’s done, we’re just going to go through a bunch of the different page layouts here. So we’re going to go back to setup, customize, and we’re going to do the leads page layout field. So scroll down to leads, click on page layouts. And in this example, we’re going to edit the lead marketing page layout. There are other possible page layouts that you could edit.
So let’s scroll down on the left, let’s go to VisualForce pages, and we’re going to add a new section for VisualForce pages.
Just going to put the section there. You can select one column for the layout.
And once that’s there, we’re going to rename the section. You can actually do this right when you drop it, but I forgot to, so I’m going to rename this. And you’re going to want to name this bizible touchpoints.
So you might want to add a touchpoints there just to be more clear.
And then you want to add to this VisualForce page the bizible lead related list. Then you’re going to want to change the properties. So we recommend setting the height at a hundred and enabling scroll bars.
And then we’re going to add one more section here. Again, just add another section and we’re going to call this section bizible insights. And after you create that section, you’ll want to save first 'cause you’ll see if we try to drag bizible insights into the section we just created, it doesn’t work. So click on save first and then navigate back to the marketing lead page layout. And then canvas apps, bizible insights, drag that to the section and you’ll see, there we go. So we’ve got bizible insights, we’re going to save that and that’s the lead page layout. Next, we’re going to customize the contacts page layout.
So we’ll go to contacts here and we’re going to edit again the marketing page layout.
Okay, and let’s scroll down to, I’m going to scroll on to related lists, and then we’re going to add the bizible touchpoint related list.
Click on the wrench icon, and then we’re going to add a couple of fields here. So, you’ll see that the bizible touchpoint is already added. We’re going to add marketing channel, touchpoint source, and then ad campaign name, touchpoint position, touchpoint date.
And then we’re going to sort by touchpoint date, and we’re going to make sure that that’s on ascending. And then in the buttons menu, you just want to deselect new and click okay.
Next, you want to add the bizible attribution touchpoint related list. So remember there are two touchpoint objects, the BT and the BAT. So we’re going to add both of them. And again, we’re going to do the same thing to the BAT related list, so we’re going to make sure attribution touchpoint is there. And then we’ll add marketing channel, opportunity, ad campaign name, and touchpoint type, touchpoint position.
And then since this is the attribution touchpoint, we’re going to add the attribution percentage, W shaped.
You could add different attribution model here if you want it, but we’re going to add here W shape. So revenue and attribution percentage, W shape. Sort by touchpoint date, ascending. And then again, we’re going to remove the standard button.
Okay, so we’ll save that.
And then we are going to change one more, or actually two more page layouts. So we’ll go to the opportunities page layout and again, we’ll edit the opportunity marketing page layout. And let’s go down to related lists again, and we’re going to add a couple related lists here. So we’ll add the bizible attribution touchpoint related list, and then we’re going to add some of the same fields as last time. So marketing channel, contact, ad campaign name, touchpoint type, touchpoint position, attribution percent W shape, revenue W shape, finally touchpoint date.
And then we’re going to sort by touchpoint date ascending, remove the standard button, and okay and save.
Okay, and then lastly, we’re going to change the page layouts for the account object.
So we’ll go to accounts, here we go. And page layouts, marketing account page layout.
And here again, we’re going to add a related list. So scroll down to related lists. There it is, okay.
And then we’re going to add bizible attribution touchpoint, and then we’re going to add this same field as last time. So attribution touchpoint, marketing channel, opportunity, ad campaign name, touchpoint type, touchpoint position, attribution percent W shape, revenue W shape, and touchpoint date, sort by touchpoint date.
And there we go.