Monitor a delivery
Understand message logs, job logs, and delivery logs.
Welcome to Adobe Campaign Standard. In this video, we are going to talk about how to monitor a delivery. As evident ways in which a delivery can be monitored, few of those are to monitor the message logs as well as the delivery logs. So now we are going to look at how to do that. Message logs. As you can see, I have an email delivery opened for it. And now we are going to see how to send the message logs. The message logs are basically the logs which can be accessed directly from the message dashboard. They show the details of the sending, which target has been excluded as well as why, and the tracking information such as the opens as well as the clicks. In order to open the message logs, we have an icon note which shows three dots. Click on that icon and pop up opens up. In this pop up, we see the logs and these are the message logs. In this section, we also see that there is a list of logs of all the deliveries that have been made. We also see a yellow icon which shows the status or the issue with a particular log. It is used to represent the error. We can also export these logs. We can click on the export list button that is appearing here and the logs will be exported. Coming to the job logs. Batch jobs triggered by the delivery can be accessed from the message dashboard by selecting the job history from the summary drop-down list as you can see about. After clicking on that list, you get a list of all the batch jobs that are available. Click on any one of those batch jobs to see more details. You will be presented with the details in this format. Coming to delivery logs. We are going to see different types of delivery logs such as the sending logs, exclusion logs as well as exclusion causes here. On the message dashboard, we get this pop up in that you see the second tab which is the sending logs tab. In the sending logs tab, we get the history of every occurrence of this delivery. The list of sent messages and their statuses are stored along with the date. It allows you to view the delivery status for each recipient. To access the details of a specific sending log, you can click on a pencil icon on the right of the corresponding role.
Once you click on the Pencil icon, you will get a read-only view of the sending log details. We can see the preview here.
Coming to exclusion logs. The exclusion logs tab lists all the messages that have been excluded from the target sent and specifies the reasons for which this sent sending has been. Coming to exclusion causes. This tab displays the volume or the number of messages that were excluded from the target sent. All the ways in which a delivery can be monitored on Adobe Campaign Standard. Thank you.