Modifying data mapping
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Learn how to check the status and modify the data mapping.
In this tutorial video we are going to see what is the different status of a mapping, and what do these different items mean. So right now, as you see, the mapping has been already in a published state. In the first tutorial there, we actually published the custom resources. We saw that there was an app option of save. After the option of save, I basically hit publish. And then I added, I was basically able to publish so you will see this particular status here and then through these three dots or through this button shows status of data export. I could go and see Adobe Experience back from the data export status, et cetera. Now what do these three different buttons mean? So if I were to go and change something here, some change, maybe you know I don’t want to map salutation to something Courtesy Title right now, or I want to map it to something else. Or maybe the preferred language’s field, or the postal address is not on this properly, some other address, and that’s why I wanted to change this schema. In that case, the ideal recommended way is to unpublish the mapping, make changes, then save and publish again. If you don’t, you can still go and add in when you publish it, but then whatever data has been ingested so far or has been ongoing keeps an ongoing days in the current published mapping and when you publish a new mapping only then the new changes are applied, but if you unpublish, then the data ingestion in the back-end stops. And then you are able to publish then you are able to add further and our different means further and then publish it and then it can be published out and sent. And then from wherever we had stopped it will be from there in. So that’s how unpublish works, and then you can publish it again so you use publish. For the first time the data mapping has been published this publish, this mapping, basically functions as a republish, so that’s how we should read republish and publish and then the third one is stop. Stop basically means the mapping remains as it is but for some reason you don’t want to ingest the data. There can be different reasons, whether you know that you know the data is not complete, the incoming data is bad and you want to make some changes in the data itself in campaign tables. In that case you might simply ask to stop ingestion, which will mean the mapping exists as it is but there is nothing wrong with the mapping but the data ingestion has stopped. So that’s where we use stop. So these are the three different functions of these three different buttons and when you feed a mapping for the first time then your first see of button is very important there. So that’s how we use the different mapping controls and we can use it to publish and publish and stop and happen depending on what is our uses. -
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