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Configure Microsoft® Dynamics 365 for the integration with Campaign Standard configure-microsoft-dynamics-365

Learn how to configure Microsoft® Dynamics 365 for use in the Dynamics and Campaign Standard integration.

Hi, in this video, we’ll show you how to configure Microsoft Dynamics 365 for use in the Dynamics and ACS integration.
You will go through several steps, some of which are in portal.azure.com that you see before you and some in your own Dynamics instance.
So first, navigate to portal.azure.com. In the menu on the left, click on Azure Active Directory.
In the sub menu that appears, click on App registrations. We’re gonna create a new app registration. So click on New registration at the top and give it a name, and we’ll choose Adobe campaign.
Accounts in this organizational directory only should be fine for supported account types, and then go ahead and click Register at the bottom.
We’re taken to a screen that contains various pieces of information for this app registration. The one we care about the most is our client ID. We’ll come back here later to get this information.
Next, we’ll create a client secret. So click on Certificates & secrets in the submenu. Toward the bottom under Client secrets, click on New client secret. You can give this one a description, and select an expiration period that aligns with your company’s policies.
It’s important to note that the value generated here will no longer be available to you to use further in the integration once you leave this screen. The next step to this is going to the API permissions area.
We will add a permission to this app registration by clicking on Add a permission. On the right-hand side, click Dynamics CRM.
Under permissions, click User impersonation, and at the bottom, click Add permissions.
So this takes care of the steps that you need to do in portal.azure.com. Next, we’ll click over to your Dynamics instance. In the drop-down menu, click on Settings, and under system, click on Security, and then click on Users.
Under your drop-down, click on Application Users.
We are gonna create an application user for this integration. I already have one created here called Adobe API that we’ll look into.
For your integration, go ahead and click on New which will bring up a menu or a form similar to this.
Select a username for your application user. I suggest adobeapi@ and then your host name for your Dynamics instance. The application ID, go back to portal.azure.com, and for your app registration, click on the Overview, and our client ID is right here. Click on Copy to clipboard.
Now we’ll navigate back to your Dynamics instance. You’ll paste in your application or client ID right here. The next two values are populated by the system. So you can skip those. For the full name, we recommend putting Adobe as the first name and the last name as API, and then for primary email, we recommend that you use the same as your username. And lastly, it’s important to go to Manage roles and ensure that this user has system administrator privileges.
The next step to this is downloading the app in AppSource that will complete this part of the integration in Dynamics 365. From the drop-down menu, click on Get more apps, and in the search bar, type Adobe Campaign for Dynamics 365.
When you find the app, follow the instructions to download. Be sure to follow additional instructions in your post-provisioning documentation. Once you have configured all steps, you should be set and ready to go from the Dynamics side for your ACS Dynamics integration.

Refer to the product documentation for more information on how Get Started with Microsoft® Dynamics 365 integration
