Assistive technology support
- Developer
- User
All viewer components support ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) roles and attributes to improve integration with assistive technologies such as screen readers.
The top-level viewer element has role region
and aria-label
attribute set by default to the name of the viewer. You can control the label with the Container.LABEL
localization symbol.
Buttons have the role button
and descriptive text set with aria-label
attribute. The value of aria-label
attribute is populated from the value of the button’s localization symbol. When a button is disabled, aria-disabled
attribute is set accordingly.
The main view has role application
. A brief description of the main view is provided in aria-roledescription
, with the value defined by the ROLE_DESCRIPTION
localization symbol of the corresponding main view component. Navigation hints for keyboard users are provided using aria-describedby
, the text for the usage hint comes from the USAGE_HINT
localization symbol. If an asset has a label defined in the UserData field, the aria-label
attribute is set with the value of such label.
Components that display swatches have the role listbox
with aria-label
attribute set to the value of the LABEL
localization symbol of that component. Individual swatches have the role option
with aria-setsize
and aria-posinset
attributes to describe the swatch position in the set. If a swatch is selected, it gets the aria-selected
attribute set to true
Experience Manager
- Dynamic Media Viewers Reference Guide
- Viewer library examples
- System requirements
- Installing multiple viewers on the same server
- Viewers release notes
- Viewers release notes (5.16.5)
- Archive
- Viewers release notes (5.16.1)
- Viewers release notes (5.15.3)
- Viewers release notes (5.14.1)
- Viewers release notes (5.13.1)
- Viewers release notes (5.12.1)
- Viewers release notes (5.10.1)
- Viewers release notes (5.8.2)
- Viewers release notes (5.5.2)
- Viewers release notes (5.4.2)
- Viewers release notes (5.2.3)
- Viewers release notes (5.2.2)
- Viewers release notes (5.1.1)
- Viewers release notes (5.0.1)
- Viewers release notes (4.9.2)
- Compatibility notes
- Keyboard accessibility and navigation
- Viewer SDK Tutorial
- Viewers for AEM Assets and Dynamic Media Classic
- Viewers for AEM Assets and Dynamic Media Classic
- Basic Zoom
- Basic Zoom Viewer
- Command reference - Configuration attributes
- JavaScript API reference for Basic Zoom Viewer
- Event callbacks
- Customize the Basic Zoom Viewer
- Support for Adobe Analytics tracking
- Assistive technology support
- Localization of user interface elements
- full-screen support
- Viewer SDK namespace
- eCatalog
- eCatalog
- Command reference - Configuration-attributes
- Command reference – Configuration attributes
- Closebutton
- ControlBar.transition
- direction
- EmailShare.emailurl
- EmbedShare.embedsizes
- FavoritesEffect.expiration
- FavoritesMenu.bearing
- FavoritesView.align
- FavoritesView.favoritesThumbView
- FavoritesView.fmt
- FavoritesView.iscommand
- FavoritesView.maxloadradius
- FavoritesView.textpos
- ImageMapEffect.mapTips
- ImageMapEffect.mode
- ImageMapEffect.rollover
- InfoPanelPopup.infoServerUrl
- InfoPanelPopup.showhidetransition
- InfoPanelPopup.template
- InitialFrame
- PageView.doubleclick
- PageView.enableHD
- PageView.fmt
- PageView.frametransition
- PageView.iconEffect
- PageView.iscommand
- PageView.maxloadradius
- PageView.pageturnstyle
- PageView.singleclick
- PageView.transition
- PageView.zoomstep
- portraitFrames
- Print.printquality
- SocialShare.bearing
- TableOfContents.bearing
- TableOfContents.maxitems
- TableOfContents.showdefault
- ThumbnailGridView.align
- ThumbnailGridView.enabledragging
- ThumbnailGridView.fmt
- ThumbnailGridView.maxloadradius
- ThumbnailGridView.scrollbar
- ThumbnailGridView.textpos
- JavaScript API reference for eCatalog Viewer
- Event callbacks
- Customize the eCatalog Viewer
- Customize the eCatalog Viewer
- Add Favorite button
- Close button
- Download
- Email share
- Embed share
- Facebook share
- Favorites menu
- Favorites effect
- Favorites view
- First page button
- Focus highlight
- full-screen button
- Icon effect
- Image map effect
- Info panel popup
- Large next page button
- Last page button
- Large previous page button
- Link share
- Main control bar
- Main viewer area
- Next page button
- Page indicator
- Page view
- Previous page button
- Remove Favorite button
- Secondary control bar
- Social share
- Table of contents
- Thumbnails
- Thumbnails button
- Tooltips
- Twitter share
- View All Favorites button
- Zoom in button
- Zoom out button
- Zoom reset button
- Support for Adobe Analytics tracking
- Assistive technology support
- Localization of user interface elements
- Image map support
- Managing page labels
- full-screen support
- Print feature
- Download
- Favorites feature
- Viewer SDK namespace
- eCatalog Search
- eCatalog Search
- Command reference - Configuration attributes
- Command reference – Configuration attributes
- Closebutton
- ControlBar.transition
- direction
- EmailShare.emailurl
- EmbedShare.embedsizes
- FavoritesEffect.expiration
- FavoritesMenu.bearing
- FavoritesView.align
- FavoritesView.favoritesThumbView
- FavoritesView.fmt
- FavoritesView.iscommand
- FavoritesView.maxloadradius
- FavoritesView.textpos
- ImageMapEffect.mapTips
- ImageMapEffect.mode
- ImageMapEffect.rollover
- InfoPanelPopup.infoServerUrl
- InfoPanelPopup.showhidetransition
- InfoPanelPopup.template
- InitialFrame
- PageView.doubleclick
- PageView.enableHD
- PageView.fmt
- PageView.frametransition
- PageView.iconEffect
- PageView.iscommand
- PageView.maxloadradius
- PageView.pageturnstyle
- PageView.singleclick
- PageView.transition
- PageView.zoomstep
- portraitFrames
- Print.printquality
- SearchPanel.align
- SearchPanel.fmt
- SearchPanel.iscommand
- SearchPanel.maxloadradius
- SearchPanel.textpos
- searchServerUrl
- SocialShare.bearing
- TableOfContents.bearing
- TableOfContents.maxitems
- TableOfContents.showdefault
- ThumbnailGridView.align
- ThumbnailGridView.enabledragging
- ThumbnailGridView.fmt
- ThumbnailGridView.maxloadradius
- ThumbnailGridView.scrollbar
- ThumbnailGridView.textpos
- JavaScript API reference for eCatalog Search Viewer
- Event callbacks
- Customize the eCatalog Search Viewer
- Customize the eCatalog Search Viewer
- Add Favorite button
- Close button
- Download
- Email share
- Embed share
- Facebook share
- Favorites effect
- Favorites menu
- Favorites view
- First page button
- Focus highlight
- full-screen button
- Icon effect
- Info panel popup
- Image map effect
- Large next page button
- Large previous page button
- Last page button
- Link share
- Main control bar
- Main viewer area
- Next page button
- Page indicator
- Page view
- Previous page button
- Remove Favorite button
- Search button
- Search effect
- Search results panel
- Secondary control bar
- Social share
- Table of contents
- Thumbnails
- Thumbnails button
- Tooltips
- Twitter share
- View All Favorites button
- Zoom in button
- Zoom out button
- Zoom reset button
- Support for Adobe Analytics tracking
- Assistive technology support
- Localization of user interface elements
- Image map support
- Managing page labels
- Print feature
- full-screen support
- Download
- Search feature
- Viewer SDK namespace
- Flyout
- Flyout
- Command reference - Configuration attributes
- Command reference – Configuration attributes
- FlyoutZoomView.flyouttransition
- FlyoutZoomView.fmt
- FlyoutZoomView.frametransition
- FlyoutZoomView.highlightmode
- FlyoutZoomView.imagereload
- FlyoutZoomView.iscommand
- FlyoutZoomView.overlay
- FlyoutZoomView.preloadtiles
- FlyoutZoomView.tip
- FlyoutZoomView.zoomfactor
- Swatches.align
- Swatches.buttonsnapmode
- Swatches.direction
- Swatches.enabledragging
- Swatches.iscommand
- Swatches.maxloadradius
- Swatches.pagemode
- Swatches.partialswatches
- Swatches.scrollstep
- JavaScript API reference for Flyout Viewer
- Event callbacks
- Customize the Flyout Viewer
- Support for Adobe Analytics tracking
- Assistive technology support
- Localization of user interface elements
- Viewer SDK namespace
- Inline Zoom
- Inline Zoom
- Command reference - Configuration attributes
- Command reference – Configuration attributes
- FlyoutZoomView.flyouttransition
- FlyoutZoomView.fmt
- FlyoutZoomView.frametransition
- FlyoutZoomView.imagereload
- FlyoutZoomView.iscommand
- FlyoutZoomView.preloadtiles
- FlyoutZoomView.tip
- FlyoutZoomView.zoomfactor
- Swatches.align
- Swatches.buttonsnapmode
- Swatches.direction
- Swatches.enabledragging
- Swatches.iscommand
- Swatches.maxloadradius
- Swatches.pagemode
- Swatches.partialswatches
- Swatches.scrollstep
- JavaScript API reference for Inline Zoom Viewer
- Event callbacks
- Customize the Inline Zoom Viewer
- Support for Adobe Analytics tracking
- Assistive technology support
- Localization of user interface elements
- Viewer SDK namespace
- Mixed Media
- Mixed Media
- Command reference - Configuration attributes
- Command reference – Configuration attributes
- closebutton
- ControlBar.transition
- FlyoutZoomView.fmt
- FlyoutZoomView.imagereload
- FlyoutZoomView.preloadtiles
- FlyoutZoomView.tip
- SpinView.doubleclick
- SpinView.enableHD
- SpinView.fmt
- SpinView.iconeffect
- SpinView.iscommand
- SpinView.lockdirection
- SpinView.maxloadradius
- SpinView.sensitivity
- SpinView.singleclick
- SpinView.transition
- SpinView.zoomstep
- Swatches.align
- Swatches.buttonsnapmode
- Swatches.direction
- Swatches.enabledragging
- Swatches.fmt
- Swatches.iscommand
- Swatches.maxloadradius
- Swatches.pagemode
- Swatches.partialswatches
- Swatches.scrollstep
- Swatches.textpos
- swatchoverlay
- VideoPlayer.autoplay
- VideoPlayer.iconeffect
- VideoPlayer.initialbitrate
- VideoPlayer.loop
- VideoPlayer.mutevolume
- VideoPlayer.playback
- VideoPlayer.posterimage
- VideoPlayer.preload
- VideoPlayer.progressivebitrate
- VideoPlayer.singleclick
- VideoPlayer.ssl
- VideoPlayer.waiticon
- VideoScrubber.timepattern
- VideoTime.timepattern
- zoomMode
- ZoomView.doubleclick
- ZoomView.enableHD
- ZoomView.fmt
- ZoomView.iconeffect
- ZoomView.iscommand
- ZoomView.reset
- ZoomView.rgn
- ZoomView.rgnN
- ZoomView.singleclick
- ZoomView.transition
- ZoomView.zoomstep
- JavaScript API reference for Mixed Media Viewer
- Event callbacks
- Customize the Mixed Media Viewer
- Customize the Mixed Media Viewer
- Caption button
- Close button
- Color swatches
- Control bar
- Flyout Zoom View
- Focus highlight
- full-screen button
- Main swatches
- Main viewer area
- Mutable volume
- Play/Pause button
- Set indicator
- Spin left button
- Spin right button
- Spin view
- Spin view icon effect
- Tooltips
- Video full-screen button
- Video player
- Video player icon effect
- Video scrubber
- Video time
- Zoom in button
- Zoom out button
- Zoom reset button
- Zoom view
- Zoom view icon effect
- Support for Adobe Analytics tracking
- Assistive technology support
- HTTPS video delivery
- Localization of user interface elements
- full-screen Support
- Viewer SDK namespace
- Spin
- Video
- Video
- Command reference - Configuration attributes
- Command reference – Configuration attributes
- ControlBar.transition
- EmailShare.emailurl
- EmbedShare.embedsizes
- SocialShare.bearing
- VideoPlayer.autoplay
- VideoPlayer.iconeffect
- VideoPlayer.initialbitrate
- VideoPlayer.loop
- VideoPlayer.mutevolume
- VideoPlayer.playback
- VideoPlayer.posterimage
- VideoPlayer.preload
- VideoPlayer.progressivebitrate
- VideoPlayer.singleclick
- VideoPlayer.ssl
- VideoPlayer.waiticon
- VideoScrubber.chaptertimepattern
- VideoScrubber.showchaptertime
- VideoScrubber.showchaptertitle
- VideoScrubber.timepattern
- VideoTime.timepattern
- Command reference - URL
- JavaScript API reference to Video Viewer
- Event callbacks
- Customize the Video Viewer
- Support for Adobe Analytics tracking
- Assistive technology support
- HTTP video delivery
- Localization of user interface elements
- full-screen support
- External video support
- Viewer SDK namespace
- Zoom
- Zoom
- Command reference - Configuration attributes
- Command reference – Configuration attributes
- closebutton
- Swatches.align
- Swatches.buttomsnapmode
- Swatches.direction
- Swatches.enabledragging
- Swatches.fmt
- Swatches.iscommand
- Swatches.maxloadradius
- Swatches.pagemode
- Swatches.partialswatches
- Swatches.scrollstep
- swatchoverlay
- ZoomView.doubleclick
- ZoomView.enableHD
- ZoomView.fmt
- ZoomView.frametransition
- ZoomView.iconeffect
- ZoomView.iscommand
- ZoomView.reset
- ZoomView.singleclick
- ZoomView.transition
- ZoomView.zoomstep
- JavaScript API reference for Zoom Viewer
- Event callbacks
- Customize the Zoom Viewer
- Support for Adobe Analytics tracking
- Assistive technology support
- Localization of user interface elements
- full-screen Support
- Viewer SDK namespace
- Viewers for AEM Assets only
- Viewers for AEM Assets only
- Carousel
- Carousel
- Command reference - Configuration attributes
- Command reference - URL
- JavaScript API reference for Carousel Viewer
- Event callbacks
- Customize the Carousel Viewer
- Support for Adobe Analytics tracking
- Assistive technology support
- Localization of user interface elements
- Hotspot and Image maps support
- Preload image
- Viewer SDK namespace
- Interactive Image
- Interactive Image
- Command reference - Configuration attributes
- Command reference - URL
- JavaScript API reference for Interactive Image Viewer
- Event callbacks
- Customize the Interactive Image Viewer
- Support for analytics tracking
- Assistive technology support
- Localization of user interface elements
- Hotspot support
- Preload image
- Viewer SDK namespace
- Interactive Video
- Interactive Video
- Command reference - Configuration attributes
- Command reference – Configuration attributes
- CallToAction.align
- CallToAction.direction
- CallToAction.enabledragging
- CallToAction.fmt
- CallToAction.maxloadradius
- CallToAction.scrollbar
- CallToAction.textpos
- callToActionRecap
- ControlBar.transition
- InteractiveSwatches.autoscroll
- InteractiveSwatches.direction
- InteractiveSwatches.displaymode
- InteractiveSwatches.enabledragging
- InteractiveSwatches.fmt
- InteractiveSwatches.maxloadradius
- InteractiveSwatches.scrollstep
- InteractiveSwatches.textpos
- SocialShare.bearing
- VideoPlayer.autoplay
- VideoPlayer.iconeffect
- VideoPlayer.initialbitrate
- VideoPlayer.loop
- VideoPlayer.mutevolume
- VideoPlayer.playback
- VideoPlayer.posterimage
- VideoPlayer.preload
- VideoPlayer.progressivebitrate
- VideoPlayer.singleclick
- VideoPlayer.ssl
- VideoPlayer.waiticon
- VideoScrubber.chaptertimepattern
- VideoScrubber.showchaptertime
- VideoScrubber.showchaptertitle
- VideoScrubber.timepattern
- VideoTime.timepattern
- Command reference - URL
- JavaScript API reference for Interactive Video Viewer
- Event callbacks
- Customize the Interactive Video Viewer
- Support for Adobe Analytics tracking
- Assistive technology support
- HTTPS video delivery
- Interactive data support
- Localization of user interface elements
- full-screen support
- Viewer SDK namespace
- Smart Crop Video
- Smart Crop Video
- Command reference - Configuration attributes
- Command reference – Configuration attributes
- ControlBar.transition
- EmailShare.emailurl
- EmbedShare.embedsizes
- SocialShare.bearing
- SmartCropVideoPlayer.autoplay
- SmartCropVideoPlayer.iconeffect
- SmartCropVideoPlayer.initialbitrate
- SmartCropVideoPlayer.loop
- SmartCropVideoPlayer.mutevolume
- SmartCropVideoPlayer.playback
- SmartCropVideoPlayer.posterimage
- SmartCropVideoPlayer.preload
- SmartCropVideoPlayer.progressivebitrate
- SmartCropVideoPlayer.singleclick
- SmartCropVideoPlayer.ssl
- SmartCropVideoPlayer.waiticon
- VideoScrubber.chaptertimepattern
- VideoScrubber.showchaptertime
- VideoScrubber.showchaptertitle
- VideoScrubber.timepattern
- VideoTime.timepattern
- Command reference - URL
- JavaScript API reference for Smart Crop Video Viewer
- Event Callbacks
- Customize the Smart Crop Video Viewer
- Support for Adobe Analytics tracking
- HTTPS video delivery
- Assistive technology support
- Localization of user interface elements
- full-screen support
- External video support
- Viewer SDK namespace
- Video360
- Video360
- Command reference - Configuration attributes
- Command reference – Configuration attributes
- ControlBar.transition
- EmbedShare.embedsizes
- SocialShare.bearing
- Video360Player.autoplay
- Video360Player.iconeffect
- Video360Player.initialbitrate
- Video360Player.loop
- Video360Player.mutevolume
- Video360Player.playback
- Video360Player.posterimage
- Video360Player.preload
- Video360Player.progressivebitrate
- Video360Player.singleclick
- Video360Player.ssl
- Video360Player.vrrender
- Video360Player.waiticon
- VideoScrubber.timepattern
- VideoTime.timepattern
- Command reference - URL
- JavaScript API reference for Video360 Viewer
- Event callbacks
- Customize the Video360 Viewer
- Support for Adobe Analytics tracking
- HTTPS video delivery
- Assistive technology support
- Localization of user interface elements
- full-screen support
- External video support
- Viewer SDK namespace
- Command reference common to all viewers - Configuration attributes
- Command reference common to all viewers - URL
The Perfect Blend: A New Era of Collaboration with AEM and Workfront
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Wednesday, Apr 2, 5:00 PM UTC
Explore how Adobe Experience Manager and Workfront integrate to help teams move from ideation to delivery without the usual bottlenecks, ensuring content is organized, on-brand, and ready to go live faster.
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