Link share link-share
Link share tool consists of a button added to the Social share panel and the modal dialog box that displays when the tool is activated. The position of the button is fully managed by the Social share tool.
The appearance of the link share button is controlled with the following CSS class selector:
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkshare
CSS properties of the link share tool
attribute selector, which can be used to apply different skins to different button states.It is possible to remove the button from the Social share panel by setting display:none
CSS property on its CSS class.
The button tool tip can be localized. See Localization of user interface elements for more information.
Example - To set up a link share button that is 28 x 28 pixels, and displays a different image for each of the four different button states:
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkshare {
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkshare[state='up'] {
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkshare[state='over'] {
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkshare[state='down'] {
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkshare[state='disabled'] {
The background overlay that covers the web page when the dialog box is active, is controlled with the following CSS class selector:
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7backoverlay
CSS properties of the background overlay
Example - To set up a background overlay to be gray with 70% opacity:
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7backoverlay {
By default the modal dialog box is displayed centered in the screen on desktop systems and takes the entire web page area on touch devices. In all cases, the positioning and sizing of the dialog box is managed by the component. The dialog box is controlled with the following CSS class selector:
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialog
CSS properties of the dialog box
Example - To set up the dialog box to use the entire browser window and have a white background on touch devices:
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7touchinput .s7linkdialog .s7dialog {
background-color: #ffffff;
Dialog box header consists of an icon, a title text, and a close button. The header container is controlled with
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialogheader
CSS properties of the dialog box header
The icon and the title text are wrapped into an extra container controlled with
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialogheader .s7dialogline
CSS properties of the dialog line
Header icon is controlled with the following CSS class selector
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialogheadericon
CSS properties of the dialog box header icon
Header title is controlled with the following CSS class selector:
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialogheadertext
CSS properties of the dialog box header text
Close button is controlled with the following CSS class selector:
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7closebutton
**CSS properties of the close button **
attribute selector, which can be used to apply different skins to different button states.The Close button tool tip and the dialog box title can be localized. See Localization of user interface elements for more information.
Example - To set up a dialog box header with padding, 22 x 12 pixels icon, and a bold 16 point title. And finally, a 28 x 28 pixel Close button that is positioned two pixels from the top and two pixels from the right of the dialog box container:
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialogheader {
padding: 10px;
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialogheader .s7dialogline {
padding: 10px 10px 2px;
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialogheadericon {
background-image: url("images/sdk/dlglink_cap.png");
height: 12px;
width: 22px;
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialogheadertext {
font-size: 16pt;
font-weight: bold;
padding-left: 16px;
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7closebutton {
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7closebutton[state='up'] {
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7closebutton[state='over'] {
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7closebutton[state='down'] {
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7closebutton[state='disabled'] {
Dialog box footer consists of a Cancel button. The footer container is controlled with the following CSS class selector:
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialogfooter
**CSS properties of the dialog box footer **
The footer has an inner container which keeps the button. It is controlled with the following CSS class selector:
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialogbuttoncontainer
CSS properties of the dialog box button container
Select All button is controlled with the following CSS class selector:
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialogactionbutton
The button is only available on desktop systems.
CSS properties of the Select All button
attribute selector, which can be used to apply different skins to different button states.Cancel button is controlled with the following CSS class selector:
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialogcancelbutton
CSS properties of the dialog box cancel button
attribute selector, which can be used to apply different skins to different button states.In addition, both buttons share common CSS class which can contain CSS settings that are the same for other dialog box buttons:
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialogfooter .s7button
CSS properties of the button
The button tool tips can be localized. See Localization of user interface elements for more information.
Example - to set up a dialog box footer with a 64 x 34 Cancel button, having text color and background color different for each button state:
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialogfooter {
border-top: 1px solid #909090;
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialogbuttoncontainer {
padding-bottom: 6px;
padding-top: 10px;
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialogfooter .s7button {
box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #999999;
color: #FFFFFF;
font-size: 9pt;
font-weight: bold;
line-height: 34px;
margin-right: 10px;
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialogcancelbutton {
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialogcancelbutton[state='up'] {
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialogcancelbutton[state='down'] {
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialogcancelbutton[state='over'] {
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialogcancelbutton[state='disabled'] {
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialogactionbutton {
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialogactionbutton[state='up'] {
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialogactionbutton[state='down'] {
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialogactionbutton[state='over'] {
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialogactionbutton[state='disabled'] {
The main dialog area, between the header and the footer, contains dialog content. In all cases, the component manages the width of this area—it is not possible to set it in CSS. Main dialog area is controlled with the following CSS class selector:
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialogviewarea
**CSS properties of the dialog box viewing area **
Example - to set up a main dialog box area to be 300 pixels height, have a ten pixel margin, and use a white background:
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialogviewarea {
All form content (like labels and input fields) resides inside a container controlled with the following CSS class selector:
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialogbody
**CSS properties of the dialog box body **
Example - to set up form content to have ten pixel padding:
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialogbody {
padding: 10px;
All static labels in the dialog box form are controlled with
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialoglabel
This class is not suitable for controlling the label size or position because you can apply it to texts in various places of the form user interface.
**CSS properties of the dialog box label. **
Dialog box labels can be localized. See Localization of user interface elements for more information.
Example - to set up all labels to be gray, bold with a nine pixel font:
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialoglabel {
color: #666666;
font-size: 9pt;
font-weight: bold;
The size of the text copy displayed on top of the link is controlled with the following CSS class selector:
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialoginputwide
CSS properties of the dialog box input-wide field
Example - to set text copy to be 430 pixels wide and have a ten pixel padding in the bottom:
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialoginputwide {
padding-bottom: 10px;
width: 430px;
The share link is wrapped in a container and controlled with the following CSS class selector:
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialoginputcontainer
CSS properties of the dialog box input container
Example - to set a one pixel gray border around embed code text and have nine pixels of padding:
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialoginputcontainer {
border: 1px solid #CCCCCC;
padding: 9px;
The share link itself is controlled with the following CSS class selector:
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialoglink
CSS properties of the dialog box share link
Example - to set the share link to be 450 pixels wide:
.s7ecatalogviewer .s7linkdialog .s7dialoglink {
width: 450px;